Contemporary Biblical Counseling: An Annotated Bibliography Compiled and Annotated by David Powlison (1949-2019), editor of "The Journal of Biblical Counseling," With 1995 Additions

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There are countless books old and new -- theology, pastoral counseling, exegesis and commentary, sermons, practical Christian living, biography, etc. -- that are relevant to biblical counseling. Wisdom is old as well as new, and God gives it with a generous hand. This bibliography makes no pretense to being a list of all good and wise books that contribute to wise counsel. But this bibliography contains authors identifiably affiliated with the modern biblical counseling movement founded by Jay Adams in the late 1960s.

This bibliography gives basic bibliographical information as well as an indication of contents and intended audience. Annotations assist your understanding of each book's content and purpose. Two sorts of annotations are employed, key words and a summary. First, I have used key words to identify four broad categories of writing.

1. Counseling. These are books profitable for pastors and other counselors, meeting a wide range of needs: giving vision, training in biblical methods, exegeting and applying relevant Scriptures, etc.

2. CE. These books offer direct help to counselees and might be used by counselors for homework. They are intended for the average Christian.

3. Preaching. These books discuss various aspects of preaching.

4. General pastoring. These cover a range of topics, from pastoral methodology to evangelism to doctrinal issues to Christian education.

Second, I have provided a summary of each book or pamphlet, with perhaps a quotation to give a further idea of content. I have kept editorial remarks to a minimum.

Not all the books are on nouthetic counseling directly. For example, Jay Adams and Wayne Mack have written treatises on more classic theological subjects: eschatology, Calvinism, baptism, etc. I have included those wider ranging books I am aware of, out of general interest in nouthetic authors. Biblical counselors have differed on many theological issues. The movement has amicably contained people with theological and ecclesiastical differences because they hold certain core commitments in common. (1)

Some of the books listed are out of print. (2) You may be able to obtain out-of-print books from a used book store. (3) Some books are being brought back into print. The Foundation of Truth for Life and Ministry, for example, has plans to republish The Christian Counselor's New Testament, What to Do on Thursday, and Insight and Creativity in Christian Counseling. (4)

Incompleteness is the fate of every bibliographer. Doubtless there are books that I have missed. If readers would bring them to my attention -- and authors and publishers would send me copies! -- I will gladly include them in future updates within this journal. I have made some attempt to flag reprinted editions -- especially if the title changed -- with one major exception. In the 1970s Jay Adams published many titles through both Baker Books and Presbyterian and Reformed. I have not sought to recapture the publishing history. Buyers of used books may find a different publisher from the one I have listed.

Lastly, a bibliography teaches not only what has been done, but also what remains to be done. The literature in biblical counseling is incomplete. To borrow a construction metaphor, on many significant topics there is little more than a sign on an empty lot saying, "Houses will one day be built here." On other topics only a rough-framed building stands, open to the sky, or perhaps only half the building stands framed! One of my hopes is that this bibliography will spur writers to fill in gaps and push the frontiers.

The literature in biblical counseling is not only incomplete, it is also of uneven quality. As Charles Spurgeon said, "There needs to be a list of errata at the end of every human piece of writing." (5) A humble willingness to be improved upon, to be corrected, challenged, balanced, and extended from Scripture is one hallmark of biblical counseling. As Jay Adams said,

No one has a foundation and methodology that is totally scriptural. Such work has only begun. My foundation surely has planks that are rotten and some that are missing. The reader must watch where he walks. There may be planks that have been nailed in backwards or upside down. But of one thing I am certain: there are a number of biblical planks that are solidly nailed down. At present I am measuring and sawing others. But in order to get them nailed all the way across, other Christians must also lay hold of the hammers and nails and help. On a foundation of biblical presuppositions, there must be built a fuller methodology that grows out of them and that is appropriate to them at every point. (6)

Hold simultaneously to the confidence, corrigibility, humility, diligence, and cooperative labor of Adams's statement, and you have a modus operandi that will make biblical counseling stronger, wiser, and more compelling. One of my hopes is that this bibliography will spur writers to write better, more complete, truer, more loving works, where existing literature is inadequate.


(1) See the introduction to John Bettler's "Counseling and the Problem of the Past" in this same issue of The Journal of Biblical Counseling for a more extended discussion of creedal commonalities.
(2) My bibliographic information is complete and up to date, as far as I know. I was unable to obtain access to a few of the books, in particular, out-of-print books by Henry Brandt, so a few entries lack annotations. Brandt was a well-known counselor in the 1960s and 70s, and preceded Jay Adams in writing books on Christian living that sought to be explicitly biblical. Brandt has only two books currently in print, When You're Tired of Treating the Symptoms and Ready for a Cure, Give Me a Call and Breaking Free -- from the Bondage of Sin.
(3) Two of the largest sellers of used Christian books are Baker Book House (2768 E. Paris Ave. SE, Grand Rapids MI, 49546; phone: 616-957-3110) and Kregel's Bookstore (Box 2607, Grand Rapids MI, 49501; phone: 616-459-9444).
(4) This foundation also plans to arrange publication of a New Testament commentary series that Jay Adams is currently writing. Counseling-oriented commentaries on I Corinthians [1 Corinthians], II Corinthians [2 Corinthians] and Titus have been completed and are being prepared for publication. For information on the foundation's activities, contact Jay Younts, The Foundation of Truth for Life and Ministry, 117 Allison Dr., Fountain Inn, S. C., 29644; phone 803-862-7720.
(5) Spurgeon, in this issue of The Journal of Biblical Counseling, p. 30.
(6) Jay E. Adams, The Christian Counselor's Manual (USA: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1973), p. 92.

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Books and Pamphlets

Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Back to the Blackboard: Design for a Biblical Christian School, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1982, 154 pp.
General pastoring. For parents, teachers and administrators of elementary and secondary Christian day schools (with implications for colleges and seminaries). "Christian schools, on all levels, are little more than adaptations of pagan schools," built on an academic model rather than a discipleship model. Educators must give God his proper weight as they design schools. A radical rethinking of education must occur: everything from abolishing grades and homework, to learning "subjects" in the context of real life projects.

____, The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Self-Image, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1986, 143 pp.
Counseling. CE. The self-esteem fad has spread as people combat what is seen as the great modern enemy: low self-esteem rooted in childhood neglect and criticism. Adams traces the roots of these ideas in Adler and Maslow. Challenges the notion of psychological "needs" ("Scratch out the word 'need' and substitute the word 'desire,' and the result will be a much more accurate reading of the facts"). Exegetes the two great commandments ("Love yourself?") and Romans 6/Colossians 3 ("Man of infinite worth?"). Unpacks biblical view of self-loathing and self-denial. "While there is no concern evidenced in the Bible about people having too little self-esteem, and therefore no directions for enhancing self-esteem, God does indicate that He wants us to evaluate ourselves accurately." (Summary, p. 119). Most of book rebuts popular errors; last seven pages give positive ideas for helping depressed counselees.

____, The Big Umbrella and Other Essays and Addresses on Christian Counseling, 265 pages, ISBN: 0801000580 9780801000584. USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1972, 265 pp. [Reprinted as Essays on Counseling.]
Counseling. A dozen lectures meant to orient people to the basic ideas of Christian counseling. The "Big Umbrella" is the notion that mental illness explains any and every difficulty in life. Organic mental malfunction is a much smaller -- and legitimate -- umbrella, but it must not be confused with the vast turf of problems in living. Psychiatrists and others who illegitimately counsel are squatters on the pastor's turf. "What I wrote [in Competent to Counsel] is only a frail beginning. It is going to take dozens and dozens of us years and years to develop counseling that is fully Christian, clearly defined and articulated." Treats evangelism in counseling, grief counseling, demon possession, marital and familial communication, abuses of small groups, drugs, masturbation and homosexuality. "The kind of counseling that we have been discussing may be structured, but it also is an informal pervasive force among the people of God."

____, A Call to Discernment: Distinguishing Truth from Error in Today's Church, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1987, 139 pp.
General pastoring. Counseling. CE. The contemporary church lacks discernment. Christians attempt to sort out life from a conglomerate of "misinformation, disinformation, distortion, and truth." The Bible calls you to develop discernment, as opposed to the mentality which views discernment as synonymous with self-righteous heresy-hunting. Presents a plan for readers to grow in discernment. "Discernment thrives in an atmosphere of absolutes, among people whose minds have been molded to think antithetically." How can you develop biblical discernment? Here's both the what-to and the how-to.

____, Change Them? . . . Into What?: Counseling in America Today, Laverock, Pennsylvania: Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, 1977, 18 pp.
Counseling. Reprint of an address at the University Psychiatric Clinic in Vienna, Austria. "You are planning to help people; fine. But that means changing them. The question is not only how, but (most basically) -- into what? The Christian replies, 'Into the likeness of Jesus Christ'." Discusses the "general failure of the psychotherapeutic community to succeed in doing anything significant for people and their problems." Pastors in the 1950s either referred to psychotherapists or sought to incorporate psychotherapy into their practice. Since the mid-60s, however, distinctively biblical counseling has developed. "This counseling draws upon the wisdom of God in the Scriptures and the power of God in the Holy Spirit." This is what such counseling looks like: speak the truth in love to responsible people who need to change in order to grow up into the image of Christ.

____, Christ and Your Problems, Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1971, 19 pp.
Counseling. CE. Exposits I Corinthians 10:13 [1 Corinthians 10:13] for the benefit of counselees. "At bottom all men in all times face the same basic problems." You are responsible. God is faithful, therefore you have hope. However difficult the pressures seem, you can make godly choices through Jesus Christ.

____, The Christian Counselor's Casebook, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1974, 213 pp. [Reprinted by Zondervan.]
Counseling. This is "a workbook designed for individual or class use in conjunction with Competent to Counsel and The Christian Counselor's Manual." Contains snapshots of 60 opening sessions and 45 cases in process. There are three major purposes: [1] to learn how to identify various sorts of problems according to biblical norms; [2] to lay out biblical plans of action for dealing with problems; [3] to provide familiarity with a wide variety of representative types of problems that counselors encounter.

____, The Christian Counselor's Manual, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1973, 476 pp. [Reprinted by Zondervan.]
Counseling. "The sequel and companion volume to Competent to Counsel," an instruction manual for "those who have already bought the product and wish to make the most effective use of it." 100 pages of philosophy of counseling and 350 pages on counseling methods and particulars: "The principles are offered more suggestively than comprehensively. They are, in a sense, representative and illustrative as well as (I hope) informative." Impossible to summarize, this book is a treasure trove that informs the would-be counselor and debunks the stereotyped criticisms of nouthetic counseling: Nouthetic counseling has an externalistic view of persons, only concerned with behavior? Read chapter 13. It has a xenophobic hostility to psychology, that says 'Psychology is of the devil. Period.'? Read chapter 10. It employs simplistic methods, the proverbial 'take two Bible verses and see me in the morning.'? Read the book! The first six pages would revolutionize the Christian counseling world if Christians wrested with the implications.

____, The Christian Counselor's New Testament: A New Translation in Everyday English, With Notations, Marginal References, and Supplemental Helps, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1977, 770 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. Adams gives three motives for making his translation of the New Testament: [1] "the first motive was personal -- I wanted to be confronted with every book, every passage and every word of the New Testament in a vital, life-changing way"; [2] to put the Bible in the everyday speech of the American public, avoiding the various extremes of woodenness, archaic language, a lofty literary tone and loose paraphrase; [3] to capture the counseling nuances and the pastoral concern inherent in the original writings, matters often lost in translation. Marginal notations and footnotes address dozens of topics of practical use to counselors. The Supplemental Helps provide a 60 page summary of nouthetic counseling -- both methodological and conceptual -- and a ready reference. [Supplemental Helps reprinted as Helps for Counselors.]

____, The Christian Counselor's Wordbook: A Primer of Nouthetic Counseling, Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Co., 1981, 82 pp. Alternate title: THE LANGUAGE OF COUNSELING and THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S WORDBOOK: A PRIMER OF NOUTHETIC COUNSELING.
"150 pithy (from a paragraph to a page) comments on counseling subjects from 'Action' to 'Worry.' Keyed to more extensive discussions of each topic in seventeen of Adams's pre-1981 books. As an example, the three paragraphs on 'conscience' contain more good sense than a shelf-full of books on 'self-esteem.' Answers misunderstandings of nouthetic counseling (e.g., 'confrontation' and 'flesh').
" 'One of the major unifying themes in my rather zigzag career has been the central place language holds in all the activities in which I have been involved.' Language and labels matter, because in the battle for men's minds language and ideas are the principal weapons: 'Ideological attack, rather than physical attack, has been Satan's most successful ploy.' The words counselors and counselees use matter, and this book pushes you to take stock of the words you say and hear. Counselors must 'deliberately adopt new words and constructions that more aptly express the biblical facts in each counseling situation'. . . ." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)

____, Christian Counselor's Wordbook: A Primer in Nouthetic Counseling, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1981, 90 pp. [Reprinted by Zondervan in The Language of Counseling.]
Counseling. 150 pithy (from a paragraph to a page) comments on counseling subjects from "Action" to "Worry." Keyed to more extensive discussions of each topic in seventeen of Adams's pre-1981 books. As an example, the three paragraphs on "conscience" contain more good sense than a shelf-full of books on "self-esteem." Answers misunderstandings of nouthetic counseling (e.g., "confrontation" and "flesh").

____, Christian Living in the Home, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1974.
Counseling. CE. The purposes and promises of God bring hope to families. "The first and most important fact to remember about a truly Christian home is that sinners live there." Three things make all the difference: "[1] Christians admit their sins; [2] Christians know what to do about their sins; [3] Christians progress out of their sins." Gives practical help and how-tos for communication and problem solving, singleness, husband and wife role relationships, child discipline, and living with an unbelieving husband.
Christian Living in the Home

____, The Church and Her Rights, Laverock, Pennsylvania: Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, 1980, 15 pp.
General pastoring. Treats church-state relations, on the occasion of a lawsuit by an avowed homosexual who insisted on being reinstated as church organist without repenting of his lifestyle. The state's authority is given by God and limited by God's authority.

____, Communicating With 20th Century Man, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1979, 36 pp.
General pastoring. God calls Christians to evangelistic and apologetic encounters. Modern man is disillusioned with himself, and the strong biblical notes of God's authority and control will find fertile soil. The message must be robust and biblical. The form must communicate well: using communication technologies, the debate format and sociological studies to engage audiences. "Many evangelistic plans are superficial. People have questions, problems, difficulties, which it takes time, prayer, and patience to solve."

____, Competent to Counsel, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1970, 287 pp. [Reprinted by Zondervan.]
Counseling. This book launched nouthetic counseling with a polemic against psychotherapy and a call to view counseling as an aspect of ministry aiming at sanctification, hence dependent on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Psychiatry has usurped the pastor's work of the cure of souls and defined the problems of living in secular terms. The church must regain its calling: "Qualified Christian counselors properly trained in the Scriptures are competent to counsel -- more competent than psychiatrists or anyone else."

____, A Consumer's Guide to Preaching, USA: Scripture Press, 1991, 160 pp.
Preaching. CE. Among all the books on preaching, here is one that turns the tables and deals with how to listen, not how to preach: "The Scriptures themselves say more about the listener's responsibility to hear, understand, and implement the message than about the preacher's obligation to faithfully preach it." Gives practical advice on how to discover God's message to you in what is preached. Closes with 31 one page "sermon slices" on which to sharpen your listening skills.

____, Coping With Counseling Crisis: First Aid for Christian Counselors, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1976, 92 pp. (Reprinted by Zondervan in Lectures on Counseling).
Counseling. "A good crisis counselor is one who has enough courageous concern to take a different and more biblical view of the crisis than the counselee, yet he will always reach his conclusions in the matter by examination of carefully collected data." Here are three key elements of crisis counseling: [1] analyze the situation; [2] take an inventory of the state and resources of a counselee; [3] be able to give biblical direction about the proper response to a crisis. Closes with ten crisis case studies to help you think your way through potential problem situations.

____, Counseling and the Five Points of Calvinism, ISBN: 0875520723 9780875520728.
"Counseling. Conservative churches virtually abandoned the ministry of counseling. A 'double divorce' occurred: between counseling and Scripture (as secular authority reigned in counseling), and between counseling and preaching (with only the latter based on the Bible). Adams seeks to redress these problems. Here are counseling implications that flow from T-U-L-I-P: unbelievers cannot deeply change; counselors can have confidence that believers will grow; Jesus Christ takes a personal interest in counselees; great changes in life can happen because of the effective power of inner grace; never give up on a believer." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Includes bibliographical references.

____, Counseling and the Sovereignty of God, Philadelphia: Westminster Theological Seminary, n. d., 14 pp. [Reprint of chapter from What About Nouthetic Counseling? Reprinted in Lectures on Counseling.]
Counseling. For people in tough life circumstances there is only one hope: "Knowing that God knows, that God cares, that God hears their prayers, and that God can and will act in His time and way to work even in this for good to His own. . . a confident assurance that God is sovereign." Addresses the "question on the lips of nearly every counselee -- Why? Why did this have to happen? Why did it have to happen to me? Why did it have to happen now?" Lucid summary of Adams's attitudes toward psychology and psychiatry.

____, Essays on Biblical Preaching, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1982, 135 pp.
[Reprint of Truth Apparent: Essays on Biblical Preaching and Preaching to the Heart.]

____, Essays on Counseling, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1972, 265 pp.
[Reprint of The Big Umbrella and Other Essays and Addresses on Christian Counseling,] ISBN: 0801000580 9780801000584.

____, Four Weeks With God and Your Neighbor, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1978, 69 pp.
Counseling. CE. Exactly what the title says. Frequently the words "devotion" and "devotional" connote "a superficial, mystical reading of the Bible (without understanding) mixed with prayer. Nothing could be further from my mind. . . . The bible is not a mystical book; it does not intend to mystify but to give knowledge and wisdom for life." 28 days to apply oneself to biblical change.

____, From Forgiven to Forgiving: Discover the Path to Biblical Forgiveness, USA: Victor Books (Scripture Press), 1989, 168 pp. [Reprinted by Calvary Press, Amityville, New York, 1994.]
Counseling. CE. For the "average Christian," to shed light on all aspects of forgiveness seeking and granting, and to counter erroneous views. How do forgiven persons -- God's children -- become forgiving persons? Defines, illustrates, motivates and challenges people to deal with forgiveness issues biblically. Clear thinking is essential: "Labels are important not only as signs of the thing they signify but also as signposts that point to solutions to the problems they categorize." Tackles unbiblical concepts such as forgiving self, forgiving God, apologizing, "forgive and forget."

____, Godliness Through Discipline, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1972, 14 pp.
Counseling. CE. Practical help from I Timothy 4:7, Luke 9:23 and Heb 5:13 [Hebrews 5:13]. Your whole life should be oriented toward godliness. "Discipline means work; it means sustained daily effort. The word Paul used is the one from which the English words 'gymnastics' and 'gymnasium' have been derived." "Jesus insisted that Christians must deny the self within them. By the self, He meant the old desires, the old ways, the old practices, the old habit patterns that were acquired before conversion." Just as you practiced sin habitually when you lived the desire-oriented life of sin, now you must practice righteousness through the power of the Holy Spirit until it too becomes habitual. "There is no easier path to godliness than the prayerful study and obedient practice of the Word of God."

____, The Grand Demonstration: A Biblical Study of the So-called Problem of Evil, Santa Barbara, California: EastGate Publishers, 1991, 119 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. Answers the large and primary question of why human beings have become objects of divine wrath. Why does a good God plan evil, and, having planned it, why does He complain when men sin, and consign those who fail to repent to an eternity in hell? Romans 9:22 describes the "grand demonstration" of God's grandeur and glory in revealing His holy wrath and power. "To accept the teaching of Romans 9 requires a radical reorientation of one's perspective on the ways of God and man. . . . . The thrust of this book runs counter to almost everything you have ever heard, not only outside, but also inside of the church." Grasping it should humble, thrill and motivate you.

____, Grist From Adams's Mill: Suggestions for Living the Christian Life, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1983, 85 pp.
Counseling. Contains 27 two to four page essays on a wide range of topics: "tracts for the times." How does God guide? Where do you get peace? How do you handle interruptions? Dealing with church hoppers? Think: does God hate the sin but love the sinner? Are you clear about the Gospel? How do you handle the influence -- for bad or good -- that people have on one another? How do you deal with differences on biblically debatable matters? What is good music? How can you be professional in your ministry, in the best sense of the word? How do you judge success and failure?

____, Handbook of Church Discipline, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1986, 120 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. Presents clear description of church discipline, embedding the formal and remedial aspects in a context of informal, preventive, positive discipline. The five steps of discipline include three informal aspects (practice self-discipline; go one-on-one; take one or two others) and two formal aspects (take it to the church; hand over to the world). Lots of how-to and what-if to guide individuals and churches into the God-honoring practice of church discipline.

____, Helps for Counselors: A Mini-Manual for Christian Counseling, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1977, 63 pp. [Reprint of the helps from the back of The Christian Counselor's New Testament.]
Counseling. Contains check lists, failure factors, summaries of counseling methodology, outlines of common problems, and Scripture references.

____, How to Handle Trouble: God's Way, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1982, 60 pp.
Counseling. CE. "A practical handbook that gives biblical directions to follow in times of trouble." Where The Grand Demonstration works out the implications of God's decretive will, this book works out the implications of God's directive will by which he pastorally guides His people. Based on Philippians 1, it lays out six steps for handling trouble: recognize God is in the problem; remember God is up to something; believe that He is up to something good; discover where and how God is at work; get involved in what He is doing; expect good effects.

____, How to Help People Change: The Four-Step Biblical Process, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1986, 203 pp.
Counseling. Unfolds the counseling process through an exposition of II Timothy 3:14-17. Bases all on the centrality of God and the vertical dimension for counseling: The Holy Spirit and the Word work in concert. Change unfolds through teaching, conviction, correction and training. "Learn both how to launder your mind of pagan psychological and psychiatric theories and how to use the Bible cogently and effectively in its full strength." Contains reprint of Adams's 1982 journal article on "Integration."

____, How to Overcome Evil, Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1977, 108 pp.
Counseling. CE. Romans 12:14-21 gives practical details for overcoming evil. Learn to assess yourself and the situation accurately in the light of who God is, in order that you might repent and trust Christ. Make plans for how you will obey Christ in tough situations. Pray to God for the Holy Spirit. Act to Christ's glory.

____, "I Will Tell Thee the Mystery": A Study in Biblical Eschatology. Second edition, revised and enlarged, Walker, Iowa: Perspective Press, 1966, 115 pp.
Revision of Realized Millennialism and earlier edition of The Time is at Hand.

____, Insight and Creativity in Christian Counseling: An Antidote to Rigid and Mechanical Approaches, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1982, 134 pp., ISBN: 0310511313 9780310511311.
Counseling. Counselors must do justice both to the fundamental commonalities and to the diverse particulars of counseling situations and life situations. "Insight into the inner workings of sinful human beings, into their outer circumstances and problems, and into the correct meaning and applicability of appropriate Bible passages is absolutely essential to counseling. Likewise, the importance of creativity cannot be minimized. It is creativity that particularizes the common, fitting together the usual and the unusual in each situation. Without it, people are crammed into molds they don't fit; rather, the truth must be adapted and applied (but not accommodated) to each person as he is."

____, The Language of Counseling, Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Co., 1981, 82 pp. Alternate title: THE LANGUAGE OF COUNSELING and THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S WORDBOOK: A PRIMER OF NOUTHETIC COUNSELING
" 'One of the major unifying themes in my rather zigzag career has been the central place language holds in all the activities in which I have been involved.' Language and labels matter, because in the battle for men's minds language and ideas are the principal weapons: 'Ideological attack, rather than physical attack, has been Satan's most successful ploy.' The words counselors and counselees use matter, and this book pushes you to take stock of the words you say and hear. Counselors must 'deliberately adopt new words and constructions that more aptly express the biblical facts in each counseling situation'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)

____, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1980, 99 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. A practical guide to both the exegetical and practical questions regarding marriage, divorce and remarriage. The church has had a rude awakening since the mid-1950s when divorce was virtually an unheard of problem among Christians. The situation "opens opportunities to think biblically in a fresh way, unhampered by prejudicial views that really have no warrant for acceptance by people who wish to be biblical."

____, Matters of Concern to Christian Counselors: A Potpourri of Principles and Practices, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1977, 104 pp.
Counseling. The first of a series (see Update on Christian Counseling, volumes 1 & 2) of books containing short essays on miscellaneous topics. This one has 41 short takes on everything from whether you should forgive yourself, to sleep, to halo data, to the use of the word "need," to teaching counselors, to dealing with foul language from counselees, to self-love.

____, The Meaning and Mode of Baptism, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 56 pp.
General pastoring. Argues that the mode of baptism is significant and tied to the meaning. Baptism symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit into the Christian's life bringing cleansing from sin and union with Christ. Pouring or sprinkling is the biblical mode, not immersion.

____, More Than Redemption: A Theology of Christian Counseling, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1979, 338 pp. Alternate title: A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING: MORE THAN REDEMPTION. [Reprinted by Zondervan as A Theology of Christian Counseling.] Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
Counseling. [Reprints in entirety two books Coping with Counseling Crises and The Use of the Scriptures in Counseling and two pamphlets Your Place in the Counseling Revolution and Counseling and The Sovereignty of God.] Opens with a challenge to seminary students to consider their calling as "pastor-counselors." One of the "four fundamental books" Adams has written on counseling (with Competent to Counsel, The Christian Counselor's Manual, and More Than Redemption).

____, More Than Redemption: A Theology of Christian Counseling, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1979, 338 pp. [Reprinted by Zondervan as A Theology of Christian Counseling.]
Counseling. Four major sections seek to articulate a biblical theology of counseling. The first seven chapters deal with the relevance of God and His Word to counseling: e.g., "God is man's environment"; "because counseling is part of the ministry of the Word (just as preaching is) it is unthinkable to use any other text (just as it would be unthinkable to do so in preaching)." The next four chapters deal with the nature of man in creation and in sin. The next seven deal with the change process (salvation and sanctification), including a lengthy section on forgiveness. The book closes with a miscellany of other topics. Along with Competent to Counsel, The Christian Counselor's Manual, and Lectures on Counseling, this is a fundamental book for understanding nouthetic counseling.

____, A Personal Word to Women, Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 3 pp. [Available in SHEPHERDING GOD'S FLOCK: A HANDBOOK ON PASTORAL MINISTRY, COUNSELING AND LEADERSHIP.]
Counseling. CE. Practical advice to women about how to handle their menstrual period and the temptations that variation in hormone levels can bring.

____, The Power of Error: Demonstrated in an Actual Counseling Case, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1978, 49 pp.
Counseling. A summary of a pastoral counseling case that went on for many months, meandering and fruitless. Critiques both the pastor's handling of the case and the psychiatrist's supervision in the light of nouthetic principles.

____, Prayers for Troubled Times, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1979, 64 pp.
General pastoring. Counseling. CE. "In simple, everyday English, yet with reverence, I have tried to express many of the heartfelt and inner cries of God's people." Contains 33 prayers on concerns from "Age" and "Anger" to "Work" and "Worry" (with a dozen blank pages at the end to pen your own). "Every prayer grew out of actual experience."

____, Preaching to the Heart: A Heart-to-Heart Discussion With Preachers of the Word, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1983, 35 pp. [Reprinted by Zondervan in Essays on Biblical Preaching.]
Preaching. Acts 2:37 and 7:54 describe preaching that struck squarely at the heart and evoked a definitive response from the hearers. Heart is "the whole inner man," intellect as well as emotions. Some hearts are hardened and other hearts are transformed by the Word. "To preach to the heart one must preach from the heart," dominated and influenced by the Holy Spirit. The ingredients of such preaching include boldness, faithfulness to the Word, and clarity.

____, Preaching With Purpose: The Urgent Task of Homiletics, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1982, 162 pp. [Reprinted by Zondervan.]
Preaching. Counseling. "As there was a need for a definitive change in Christian counseling when I wrote Competent to Counsel, so too is there a need for such change in all areas of the practical field -- in administration, Christian education, pastoral work -- but especially in preaching." The work of the preacher centers around one key question: how can you discern and remain true to the purpose or intention of the Holy Spirit in the Word? Includes material on the relationship of preaching to counseling and on the issue of "self-esteem/image."

____, Pulpit Speech: A Textbook for Use in the Classroom or Study, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1976, 169 pp.
Preaching. The four "pulpit arts" (researching content, organizing, using language, delivery) must interact with the four "factors" (Scripture, occasion, audience, preacher) to produce a good sermon. Includes everything from gathering materials, to storytelling, to organizing a sermon, to voice and gesture. Practical projects and exercises at the end of each chapter.

____, Ready to Restore: The Layman's Guide to Christian Counseling, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1981, 111 pp.
Counseling. An introductory textbook in nouthetic counseling: accessible, compact, covering both conceptual and methodological matters. "God calls every Christian to counsel some people, somewhere, at some time about something." Galatians 6:1 provides the banner verse: the character of the counselor, the problems in view, the methods. Meant for individual study or for a class or Bible study group.

____, Realized Millennialism: A Study in Biblical Eschatology, Saint Louis, Missouri: Jay Edward Adams, 1959, 88 pp.
Earliest edition of book that became "I Will Tell Thee the Mystery. . ." and then, finally, "The Time is at Hand."

____, Sermon Analysis: A Preacher's Personal Improvement Textbook and Workbook, Denver, Colorado: Accent, 1986, 224 pp.
Preaching. "There is value in studying the sermons of others to discover what they have learned as they have searched the Scriptures." Teaches how to analyze sermons, singling out strengths (to imitate and to develop in yourself) and weaknesses (to avoid). Contains printed versions of 23 sermons by thirteen great preachers (from Origen and Chrysostom to Spurgeon and Nederhood) for personal study and analysis.

____, Shepherding God's Flock: A Handbook on Pastoral Ministry, Counseling and Leadership, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1974, 1975, 531 pp. [Reprint of the 3 volumes of Shepherding God's Flock under one cover.]

____, Shepherding God's Flock, Volume I: The Pastoral Life, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1974, 156 pp.
General pastoring. The "Word, understood exegetically and systematically, must permeate and motivate all practical work." "The name 'pastoral' is a uniquely Christian term that expresses a fundamental concept that is deeply embedded in every biblical portrayal of Christian ministry": God is the Shepherd, par excellence. [1] What is the life of the shepherd like? Count the cost. Evaluate your adequacy. Develop five vital factors: personal relationship with God, evangelism, prayer, cultivation of mind, poise and manners. Get family and social life in proper perspective and priority. Learn to manage your time. [2] The call of the shepherd comes from a local church. How should the prospective shepherd candidate? What should he preach? do? discuss? look for? How should both pastor and flock handle rejection and acceptance of a call? [3] The shepherd cares for the flock as one who visits, providing "oversight that shows concern for" the varied needs of the flock.

____, Shepherding God's Flock, Volume II: Pastoral Counseling, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 155 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. Considers counseling strictly from the pastoral viewpoint. First essay summarizes antithesis between biblical counseling and Rogers, Freud and Skinner. Sounds call for pastoral counseling, and covers numerous topics, including taking initiative in pursuing needy sheep; counseling women, older people, and disabled people; organizing church-based counseling.

____, Shepherding God's Flock, Volume III: Pastoral Leadership, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1975, 199 pp.
General pastoring. Considers numerous issues of church administration: planning, delegation, working with leaders, congregational meetings, church schools, church library, the building, finances, and so forth.

____, Sibling Rivalry in the Household of God, Denver: Accent Books, 1988, 155 pp.
Counseling. CE. About "the causes and effects of rivalry among brothers and sisters in Christ and what can be done about it." "Sibling rivalry in the household of faith -- just like at home -- is due entirely to sin." Other supposed causes are not causes but occasions for our self-centered human nature to act. The Holy Spirit gives practical guidance in His Word for solving rivalry and conflict through repentance, faith and obedience.

____, Solving Marriage Problems: Biblical Solutions for Christian Counselors, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1983, 122 pp., ISBN: 0875520812 9780875520810. [Reprinted by Zondervan.]
Counseling. Practical training for counselors in how to understand and solve marriage problems. What are the basics of the biblical view of marriage? What sorts of problems destroy marriages?: [1] unbiblical concepts ("problems of error"); [2] sinful living patterns ("problems of practice"]; [3] relationships with others (e.g., companions, in-laws, children, former spouse); [4] general influences in society. Gives methods for discovering and solving problems.

____, Studies in Preaching, Volume I: Sense Appeal in the Sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 62 pp.
Preaching. Spurgeon's sermons were filled with "sense appeal": activating the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell without using objective sensory stimuli. Spurgeon's abilities in sensory vividness came not simply from innate genius, but were acquired by hard work and conscious effort to produce sermons "shaped to attract men." Spurgeon was particularly affected by John Bunyan, whose descriptive allegorical style showed a mastery of the art of sense appeal. Abstracts the principles involved in Spurgeon's techniques: sense perception, synthetic imagination, and realistic description.

____, Studies in Preaching, Volume II: Audience Adaptation in the Sermons and Speeches of Paul. USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1976, 107 pp.
Preaching. Audience adaptation is the ability to present a message appropriate to the listeners. Each of Paul's 8 sermons and speeches in Acts was delivered to a different sort of audience. Audience analysis reveals Paul's masterful ability to adapt to his audiences without comprising his message.

____, Studies in Preaching, Volume III: The Homiletical Innovations of Andrew W. Blackwood. USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 166 pp.
Preaching. Historically, homiletics has been a neglected area of theological study. Blackwood did a great deal to remedy this. Contains detailed biography of Blackwood. Blackwood's innovations in teaching homiletics included extensive use of case study method. Discusses in detail Blackwood's homiletical theory.

____, A Theology of Christian Counseling: More than Redemption, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1979, 338 pp. [Reprint of More Than Redemption: A Theology of Christian Counseling.]

____, A Thirst for Wholeness: How to Gain Wisdom From the Book of James USA: Victor Books (Scripture Press), 1988, 143 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. A study of the inner dynamics of human life from the book of James. Meant to be used personally or in a study group or class. Works thematically, covering anger, desires, doubt, prayer, peacemaking, sickness, among other things. The section on the "inner/outer aspects of sin" (Chapter 3) rebuts a host of misconceptions of nouthetic counseling as externalistic: "The struggle for mastery over one's desires must be achieved. . . . Christian, resist sin at the start, as Jesus did. Abort inner sin before it is born. Augustine encourages us with these words: 'Pray that God may make you conqueror of yourself. . . not the enemy without, but of your own soul within. . . . Let no enemy from without be feared: conquer yourself, and the whole world is conquered'."

____, The Time is at Hand, Greenville, South Carolina: A Press, 1966, 123 pp. [Revised and corrected edition, formerly published as Realized Millennialism and then "I Will Tell Thee the Mystery".]
General pastoring. The Bible teaches a realized millennium, contrary to unrealized millennium views (pre-mil and post-mil). The book of Revelation was addressed to contemporary readers and is now largely fulfilled. The Lord revealed himself (Rev 1) to address current conditions in seven churches (Rev 2-3). Heaven opens to give reassurance: God is in control and God cares (Rev 4-5). The Lord deals with the persecution of believers under Judaism (Rev 6-11) and Rome (Rev 13-19), with glimpses behind the scenes at Satan's career (Rev 12 and 20:1-10). Finally, the message extends to deal with the universal judgment of all men and the eternal paradise (Rev 20:11 through 22). The apostle's purpose is to encourage believers in imminent trials. Satan is restrained from deceiving the nations (as he had done from the Fall until the book of Acts, and as he will do briefly before Christ's return). The church now spreads the reign of Christ through the ministry of the Word.

____, Trust and Obey: A Practical Commentary on First Peter. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1978, 154 pp.
Preaching. Counseling. Exegetical and explanatory notes on First Peter, with applications to preaching and counseling. "This is a practical commentary that attempts to consider the book in the light of how it may be preached, used in daily life and employed in counseling. . . . My prayer is that Christians will be helped directly and indirectly to follow God's instructions for facing trials and tribulations summed up in the words TRUST AND OBEY." Outlines for 24 sermons.

____, Truth Apparent: Essays on Biblical Preaching, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1982, 100 pp. [Reprinted by Zondervan as Essays on Biblical Preaching. Combines two books into one, TRUTH APPARENT and PREACHING TO THE HEART.]
Preaching. 25 brief, practical essays (2-8 pages each), ranging over the entire field of preaching: from exegesis to outlining to audience adaptation to illustration to delivery. 23 of these were originally published in The Journal of Pastoral Practice between 1977 and 1982.

____, Truth Applied: Application in Preaching, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1990, 144 pp.
Preaching. Preaching is "the application of biblical truth to contemporary situations according to the way God applied it." Therefore you must labor at application. Gives a biblical philosophy of application with practical suggestions on how to implement so that preachers become skilled in making relevant application. Preachers must learn to abstract principles from biblical passages and apply them to similar situations. The Bible itself comes to us as "truth applied," the exemplar of what we are to do. Preachers therefore must know and understand two sets of persons, places, times and circumstances: the original recipients of the biblical messages and contemporary recipients.

____, Update on Christian Counseling, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1986, 265 pp.
Counseling. Contains volumes I and II of previously published Update on Christian Counseling along with Matters of Concern.

____, Update on Christian Counseling, Volume I, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1979, 89 pp.
Counseling. Actually the second of a series that began with Matters of Concern to Christian Counselors. Thirteen essays, on a range of topics: how counseling affects the counselor; counseling failure; a biblical approach to stress; prescription medications; the Sermon on the Mount as an example of how-to given along with what-to; the problem with apologies; 25 key presuppositions of biblical counseling; structuring counseling; using a Personal Data Inventory; the flexibility of nouthetic counseling; the adaptability of a nouthetic counselor; reminding counselees; definitions of about 115 terms of basic Christian vocabulary, from "Adoption" and "Advent" to "Worship" and "Wrath."

____, Update on Christian Counseling, Volume II, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1981, 81 pp.
Counseling. Continues Update series. Ten miscellaneous essays: do people really get their idea of God from their own fathers?; Christian liberty and questionable practices; counseling disabled people; evaluating transactional analysis; winning an unsaved wife to Christ; using I Corinthians 13 [1 Corinthians 13] in counseling; guidance through "checks" and "promptings"; "Does the Behaviorist Have a Mind?" (reprint of a 1927 article by William Hallock Johnson); eclecticism in counseling; "complicating problems" of various sorts (difficulties growing out of a counselee's primary problem that must be addressed in order to solve the primary problem).

____, The Use of the Scriptures in Counseling, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 105 pp. [Reprinted in Lectures on Counseling.]
Counseling. A positive perspective on and method for using the Bible in counseling. The Bible, properly understood and used, is a textbook for counseling. It must be used telically, that is, paying attention to the Holy Spirit's purpose in each passage. "The Scriptures are the peculiar product of the Counselor Himself." "Problems in living can be understood properly only when the basic dimension of sin is seen in them." Has four cases from the Christian Counselor's Casebook, annotated with ideas on how to apply Scripture. Closes with a list of key passages from Scripture on 50 topics, from "Adultery" and "Anger" to "Work" and "Worry." (This list of passages is also reprinted in Christian Counselor's New Testament, Helps for Counselors and Ready to Restore.)

____, The war Within: A Biblical Strategy for Spiritual Warfare, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 1989, 154 pp.
Counseling. CE. The Christian life is war. The holy war between God and Satan gets played out within ourselves in the conflict between the Holy Spirit and the flesh. "It is to the enemy within that Satan, the world, and the demons must make their appeal." Describes Satan's tactics and power, and then the strategies for victory: the Spirit's sword, prayer, faith, the help of believers. "The prime purpose of this book is to encourage faltering Christians."

____, What About Nouthetic Counseling? A Question and Answer Book With History, Help and Hope for the Christian Counselor Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1976, 91 pp.
Counseling. "A question and answer book with history, help and hope for the Christian counselor." Discusses the first ten years of the movement, both the gains that have occurred and the opposition and misunderstandings that have arisen. 25 questions and answers engage common misunderstandings and criticisms. For example, Q: "Do you think that feelings are unimportant?" A: "Of course not! They play a vital role in the human makeup." For example, Q: "Don't you think that we can learn something from psychologists?" A: "Yes, we can learn a lot; I certainly have. That answer surprised you, didn't it? If it did, you have been led to believe, no doubt that nouthetic counselors are obscurantists who see no good in psychology." For example, Q: "Why can't you use the methods of other counseling systems?" A: "Well-thought-through systems are self-contained packages. . . . Distinguish between methods and means." Also contains Counseling and the Sovereignty of God.

____, What do You do When Anger Gets the Upper Hand? Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 8 pp. (also published as You Can Defeat Anger, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1975, 15 pp.)
Counseling. CE. "Anger, like a good horse, must be bridled." Uncontrolled temper is a sin. You can learn to release the energies of anger productively and under control to solve problems.

____, What do You do When Fear Overcomes You? Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 8 pp. (also published as You Can Overcome Fear, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1975, 24 pp.)
Counseling. CE. "You must learn to commit yourself prayerfully to doing what God requires of you whether or not you will have a fear experience by doing so. That is the key that will unlock your prison."

____, What Do You do When you Become Depressed? Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 8 pp. (also published as You Can Conquer Depression, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1975, 16 pp.)
Counseling. CE. "You must know God personally before you can expect Him to give you the help that you need. You must not put the alleviation of depression first as your goal, but rather the desire to please God by doing what He says. You must do exactly as He says regardless of how you feel."

____, What Do You do When you Know That You're Hooked? Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 10 pp. (also published as You Can Kick the Drug Habit, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1975, 22 pp.)
Counseling. CE. If you are hooked on alcohol or other drugs you must learn to put off the old behavior and attitudes and put on the new. Repent of your sin. List ways you are failing God and others. Work with someone who practices biblical counseling to restructure your entire life. Cut off all connections with people who are negative influences. Restructure your life concretely.

____, What do You do When you Worry all the Time? Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 8 pp. (also published, as You Can Stop Worrying, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1975, 15 pp.)
Counseling. CE. Worry is concern about something that one can do nothing about. That is why it tears us apart. "Christ does not ask you to cease being concerned; instead He tells you to redirect your concern." Ask 3 questions: What is my problem?; What does God want me to do about it?; When, where and how should I begin?

____, What do You do When Your Marriage Goes Sour? Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 8 pp. (also published as You Can Sweeten a Sour Marriage, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1975, 14 pp.)
Counseling. CE. Love is not first a feeling, because God commands love: to wife, to neighbor, even to enemy. You must learn how to give. You must forgive: a promise not to use it against the person, not to talk to others, not to dwell on it yourself. The husband is responsible to take initiative in love.

____, What to do About Worry, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1980, 28 pp.
Counseling. CE. Worry is a sin that Christians can learn to overcome. Pray with thanksgiving; find God's solutions; then work on the problem God's way. When you find yourself worrying rather than working, sit down and answer the following three questions: [1] What is my problem?; [2] What does God want me to do about it?; [3] When, where and how should I begin?

____, What to do on Thursday: A Layman's Guide to the Practical use of the Scriptures, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1982, 135 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. This book contains a "method that, if faithfully followed, will make your Bible a practical Book that you can use, not only on Sunday but on Thursday, and every other day in the week, to solve the problems that you encounter in daily living." The Bible was written to be used in daily life, but few Christians have ever been taught how to use it. How do you locate (Bible information, pp. 19-49), understand (Bible interpretation, pp. 53-98), and apply (Bible implementation, pp. 101-134) relevant Scripture? Bible information includes a basic orientation to Scripture. Bible interpretation teaches principles of accurate interpretation, how to use Bible study tools, and how to pursue the intent (telos) of a passage. Bible implementation teaches you how to adapt truth to varying life situations. "Christians must become actors, not reactors. They must learn to choose and develop goals, structure their lives and become actors who consciously do whatever they do in order to attain biblical goals."

____, Your Place in the Counseling Revolution, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1975, 44 pp.
Counseling. The confusion in the counseling world exists because "they have rejected the one and only perfect and lasting textbook on counseling": the Bible. Christians have all too often accommodated the faith wrongly to secular psychology. God refuses to be brought in as an additive to a pagan system or to be "discovered" in a pagan theory. Christians have unresolved personal problems; Bible-believers largely neglected matters of practical Christian living during the battles with liberalism. What is your place in the counseling revolution?: [1] the ministry of everyday Christians is described where "many of the 'one another' verses refer to exhortation, encouragement, restoration, admonition, rebuke and the giving of other sorts of counsel"; [2] if God has called you to full-time counseling, go to seminary to get training in the Bible and go into the pastorate. [Reprinted in Lectures on Counseling.]

____, and Michael W. Carroll, Visions of the Revelation, Virginia Beach, Virginia: The Donning Company, 1991, 103 pp.
General pastoring. Adams's essay, "The Eschatology of Revelation: A Covenantal/Reformed Approach to the Interpretation of the Last Book of the Bible" (pp. 17-32), introduces his translation of Revelation, illustrated with several dozen paintings by Michael Carroll. This essay on the interpretation of Revelation is a condensation of the earlier book, The Time is at Hand. The translation is from The Christian Counselor's New Testament. This is Adams's one "coffee table book."

Barker, Dorothy Anderson, and Jay Adams, Leader's Guide for Jay E. Adams's Christian Living in the Home Philadelphia: Great Commission Publications, 1977, 64 pp.
General pastoring. Thirteen week guide for the leader of a Sunday school or Bible study class that utilizes Adams's book on marriage and family.

Bobgan, Deidre, Lord of the Dance: The Beauty of the Disciplined Life, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 1987, 204 pp., ISBN: 0890815836 9780890815830.
Counseling. CE. Employs the disciplines and techniques of ballet as an extended metaphor for the Christian life. Intended for women, but most of the teaching is general to all Christians: honoring God, putting off and putting on, prayer, the Word, discipline, the tongue, submission to God and to husband, bearing fruit. "The ballerina has not attained this state of perfection easily or magically. Her artistic development did not occur in a cocoon of sleep or dreams, but rather through years of rigorous training and practice. In like manner, the woman of grace who belongs to the Lord moves confidently through life, expressing consistent love in words and actions emanating from a deep abiding presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. . . . Each time she has chosen God's will above her own, she has developed more and more confidence in God."

Bobgan, Martin, and Deidre Bobgan, The Four Temperaments: Astrology and Personality Testing, Santa Barbara, California: EastGate, 1992, 213 pp.
Counseling. "From the beginning, typologies have been designed to help people both understand themselves and improve their condition." But, "The Bible does not categorize people according to temperament and personality. Instead, the richness of variety permeates the pages of God's Word." The four temperaments, the twelve signs of the zodiac, and psychological typologies describe universal traits that can apply to all human beings to a greater or lesser extent. They give the illusion of significant self-knowledge. Their net effect is to excuse sin, to feed pride, and to distract attention from the issues the Bible considers significant. Temperament theory and astrology have numerous links conceptually; modern psychological typologies are heir to many of the same faulty assumptions. Describes and assesses Meyers-Briggs, Personal Profile System, Taylor-Johnson, Spiritual Gifts Inventory, et al. "Biblical classifications of people are always in terms of their relationship to God."

____, How to Counsel From Scripture, Chicago: Moody Press, 1985, 224 pp.
Counseling. God's love is the predominant factor in change: "God's love enables one to overcome sin and its consequences, to live in relationship to Him, and to be transformed into the image of Christ. His love engenders trust, which leads to obedience to His Word." "Biblical counseling is not a new idea. We are merely promoting a restoration of one of the oldest ministries. . . . The cure-of-souls ministry emphasized the person's relationship with God from which comes renewal and change in the mental-emotional-behavioral areas of life." Part 1 lays out a biblical model of man and a biblical methodology for change. Part 2 talks about the counselee, the counselor, and their relationship of conversation. Part 3 discusses the centrality of the love of God. Part 4 speaks of setting up counseling ministry in the church.

____, Hypnosis and the Christian, Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1984, 61 pp.
Counseling. "Hypnosis has been used as a method of mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical healing for hundreds and even thousands of years. . . . From witchdoctors to medical doctors and from past to present, the rituals and results have been reproduced, revised, and repeated." Hypnotists use "techniques such as repetition, deception, stimulation of the imagination, and emotionally overtoned suggestions to effectively influence the will and condition the behavior of the subject." Discusses hypnotic regression and the links between hypnosis, occult activities, and Eastern meditative trances. "Hypnotism is demonic at worst and potentially dangerous at best."

____, Prophets of Psychoheresy I, Santa Barbara, California: EastGate, 1989, 360 pp.
Counseling. Critiques the teachings of Gary Collins ("Can You Really Trust Psychology?" pp. 13-103), Larry Crabb ("Inside-Out Theology," pp. 105-220), and Frank Minirth and Paul Meier ("Fellowship with Freud," pp. 221-334). Each of them, in different ways, takes the basic building blocks of his system from secular psychology. "The largest of the four branches of psychotherapy is the humanistic one. The Association for Humanistic Psychology is the professional association of humanistic psychologists. Its president, Dr. Lawrence LeShan, says, 'Psychotherapy may be known in the future as the greatest hoax of the twentieth century.' It may also be known as the greatest heresy of twentieth-century Christianity."

____, Prophets of Psychoheresy II: Critiquing James Dobson, Santa Barbara, California: EastGate, 1989, 310 pp.
Counseling. Critique of James Dobson, primarily his use of the self-esteem concept as fundamental to his teachings. Dobson is a leader in "promoting the psychologizing of Christianity. . . . We use the word prophet to mean a spokesman for a cause or movement. The heresy is the departure from absolute confidence in the Word of God for all matters of life and conduct and a movement toward faith in the unproven, unscientific psychological opinions of men. Thus we call it 'psychoheresy'."

____, Psychoheresy: The Psychological Seduction of Christianity, Santa Barbara, California: EastGate, 1987, 259 pp.
Counseling. Psychology is an anti-biblical religious system not a science. The church has bought the system, rather than building counseling from the Bible. Labels and categories matter, because they either describe things truly or falsely, e.g., the myth of mental illness. Psychotherapy is quackery, with very little documentable success. "Although some disciplines in the broad field of psychological study have contributed some information about people, much of the information that has filtered down into popular literature and into the psychological office is spurious. The most seductively dangerous area of psychology is that part which seeks to explain why people are the way they are and how they change." Includes critiques of evangelicals who "amalgamate" psychology and Christianity: Richard Dobbins, H. Norman Wright, Larry Crabb, Paul Tournier, M. Scott Peck, H. Newton Maloney, Charles Solomon, and others.

____, The Psychological Way/The Spiritual Way, ISBN: 0871230267 9780871230263.
"The cure of minds through psychotherapy ('psychological way') has almost totally displaced the cure of souls through biblical counseling ('spiritual way'). 'Psychotherapy is questionable at best, detrimental at worst, and a spiritual counterfeit at least'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)

____, 12 Steps to Destruction: Codependency Recovery Heresies, Santa Barbara, California: EastGate, 1991, 247 pp.
Counseling. The people labeled "codependent" have serious problems and need help. "However, we question the diagnoses, answers, formulas and systems that are being offered in the name of help, in the name of love, and even in the name of Christ. Beneath many programs that purport to be Christian lurk ideas, philosophies, psychologies, and religious notions that are antithetical to biblical Christianity." Extensive criticism of 12 Step programs.

Bobick, Michael W., From Slavery to Sonship: A Biblical Psychology for Pastoral Counseling, Scarsdale, NY: The Author, c1984, 224 pp.
Distributed by Westminster Theological Seminary Discount Book Service. Includes bibliography.
Counseling. Attempts to break fresh theoretical ground for understanding people biblically: "We need not choose between solving problems and understanding people; this is a false dilemma. . . . But in the absence of a published Biblical psychology that helps counselors. . . our present need is to emphasize the dynamics of motivation." Instead of a how-to format for specific problems, this book tries "to span the gap between theological anthropology and actual ministry." Part 1 develops a model of the sinful human heart as a maze of lies and "covenants with idols." The renewed human heart is increasingly ruled by God's truth and power in Christ. Part 2 shows how the model can be used in the counseling process.

Brandt, Henry, and William Krutza, Balancing Your Marriage, Wheaton, Illinois: Scripture Press, 1966, 32 pp. [Later and expanded edition, 1974, 159 pp.]
Counseling. CE. Discusses how to balance different priorities and roles: as individual person, spouse, worker, church member, parent, member of community. Lays out responsibilities of husband and father and of wife and mother.

____, Breaking Free -- From the Bondage of Sin. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, forthcoming in early 1994.

____, Build a Happy Home With Discipline. Wheaton, Illinois: Scripture Press, 1965, 34 pp.
Counseling. CE. How to solve discipline problems in the home and make discipline of children successful. Gives "Biblically-based, practice-worthy suggestions on how to develop consistent, Christ-honoring discipline techniques."

____, and Homer Dowdy, Building a Christian Home, Wheaton, Illinois: Scripture Press, 1960, 156 pp.
Counseling. CE. Four sections on building a Christian home: [1] start with yourself, your relationship to God and adherence to His Word; [2] address both husband/father and wife/mother regarding their roles, communication, ability to handle changes and to solve problems; [3] follow biblical childrearing principles of growing as children grow, discipline, sex education, preparing for marriage; [4] deal with the empty nest in light of the calling to be a "good and faithful servant" of God.

____, and Homer Dowdy, Christians Have Troubles Too: A Psychologist Finds the Answers in the Bible, Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell, 1968, 127 pp.
Counseling. CE. Contains 70 case studies illustrating common life problems within individuals, marriages, parent-child relationships, and teenagers: resentment, anxiety, self-pity, alcoholism, disillusionment with church, manipulation, lying, and so forth. The first section revolves around the issue of personal peace: "Peace of mind is available to anyone who will turn to God for it, simply because God is the source of peace. . . . The inner life of a person need not depend on what other people do. . . . Nor does peace depend on circumstances." The second set of problems deal with marriage and the way selfishness destroys unity. Third, parenting problems reveal the need for parents to be unified as they set consistent limits in a context of affection. Lastly, teens face many challenges, but at the center is the challenge of self-centeredness.

____, and Homer Dowdy, Happy Family Life. Lincoln, Nebraska: Back to the Bible Broadcast, 1963, 61 pp.

____, with Phil Landrum, I Want Happiness Now! Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1978, 175 pp.
Counseling. CE. People who seek counseling "have one thing in common: they come in to find relief for their desperately unhappy, frustrated, hopeless condition resulting from their response to the conditions and people in their world." Change must happen in the person, not in the circumstances. What makes some people "indestructibles" and others easily discouraged and frustrated? The latter chase rainbows; the former find contentment in Christ. [Self-love theory appears frequently.]

____, with Phil Landrum, I Want my Marriage to be Better, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1976, 159 pp.
Counseling. CE. Describes the development of marriage problems: "Marriage reveals your drives as no other relationship, unmasking hostility, stubbornness, and selfishness." Self-seeking and I Corinthians 13 [1 Corinthians 13] love are worlds apart. On the foundation of conviction for the sin that inhabits conflict, marriages can be rebuilt: "a good partnership dedicates time and effort to developing a mutually agreeable way of life." Three keys are: [1] become cooperative partners rather than opponents; [2] a wife's submission is the tie-breaker; [3] a husband's commitment to serve in love makes plans for good happen.

____, with Phil Landrum, I Want to Enjoy my Children: A Handbook on Parenthood, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1975, 184 pp.
Counseling. CE. You and your children need help outside yourself -- from God -- to have a good family because it is the nature of human nature to go one's own way. Biblical roles and consistent discipline are keys to enjoyable family life.

____, Keys to Better Living for Parents: A Bible Correspondence Course. Chicago, Illinois: Moody Bible Institute, 1959, 224 pp.
Counseling. CE.

____, Six Talks on Family Living, Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1958, 126 pp.
Counseling. CE.

____, The Struggle for Inner Peace, revised edition, 128 pages, ISBN: 0882072455 9780882072456. Alternate title: THE STRUGGLE FOR PEACE, previous edition.
Counseling. CE. Challenges the mental health model of human life. Argues for the biblical process of humbling self-discovery that leads to Christ's grace: "The struggle for peace is just that -- recognizing and dealing with the sin that causes your problem." Dissects the sin issues within emotions, bending of truth, and psychosomatic problems. Life's pressures and temptations can become opportunities for growth in godliness rather than occasions of continuing in sin.

____, When a Teen Falls in Love. Wheaton, Illinois: Scripture Press, 1965, 34 pp.
Counseling. CE. Discusses the meaning of love and the place of sex in a teenager's life. "The normal pleasurable reactions of contacts among the sexes need to be governed and controlled by a Christian morality."

____, "When You're Tired of Treating the Symptoms and Ready for a Cure, Give me a Call": 18 Lessons for Making Changes That Last, Brentwood, Tennessee: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, 1991, 241 pp. [See: The Heart of the Problem: 12 Lessons for Making Lasting Change.]
Counseling. CE. Builds on the distinction between the temporary, symptomatic relief provided by psychology and the lasting, deep solution to problems offered in Scripture. 18 lessons for individual or group study, covering happiness, the past, negativism, pain, forgiveness, anger, death, and so forth.

____, You and Your Job, and William Krutza, Wheaton, Illinois: Scripture Press, 1966, 32 pp.
Counseling. CE. Colossians 3:23 focuses primarily on attitude as the essential ingredient to a godly work life. Diligence and other character traits related to how you get along with people are the crucial factors in the ability to keep a job and progress in it. Guidelines on learning how to please your boss and to set goals.

Broger, John C., Instructor's Guide for the Self-Confrontation Course, 233 pages, USA: Biblical Counseling Foundation, 1978, revised 1980, 1987, and 1992, no consecutive pagination.
Counseling. General pastoring. Lesson plans and instructions for teachers/leaders of the Self-Confrontation Course.

____, Self-Confrontation: A Manual for In-depth Discipleship, 120 pages, Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 1994, 480 pp. (formerly published by Biblical Counseling Foundation, 1978, revised 1980, 1987, and 1991, no consecutive pagination.)
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. Contains 24 weekly lessons intended to move a person through the change process personally as the foundation for working on becoming a counselor (Matthew 7:1-5). Intended for Sunday school and other classes or personal study. The first eight lessons lay the biblical foundation for change. The grace of the God in the gospel of Jesus Christ is spring of all true change, and it prompts a self-confrontation: "Man's way is oriented to self: to please self, to comfort self, to rely on self, to fulfill self, to forgive self, to exalt self, and to love self. . . . [God's way] emphasizes that you are to live for Him." The next thirteen lessons treat particular problem areas: selfishness, anger, interpersonal conflict, marriage and family, depression, fear, life-dominating sins. The final three lessons summarize and set the foundation for Course II, Biblical Counseling Training.

Clark, Martin, Choosing Your Career: The Christian's Decision Manual, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1981, 106 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. How should a Christian make career decisions? How should Christians set goals to honor the orderly and purposive God we serve? "Goal-setting, of course, can be an act of rebellion. But it is not necessarily so. The real issue is this: How does the Lord direct? By a feeling? a special set of circumstances? a religious hunch?" Lays out numerous factors to consider in order to make wise decisions. Emphasizes godly planning and thinking: "Career choice for Christians is a cognitive process. It is not primarily mystical or emotional."

DeBardeleben, Martha Graves, Fear's Answer: A Case History in Nouthetic Counseling, foreword by Jay Adams, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1980, 159 pp.
Counseling. CE. "It was the summer of 1970. I had already discarded my faith in psychology as the source of truth and remedy for the human dilemma. I was more and more finding in God's Word the answers. I was introduced to Jay Adams and his systematizing of Scripture as it applies to the problems of everyday living. I was thrilled to find that Dr. Adams' discoveries both paralleled and went far beyond my own." Then in 1978 a 78 year old woman with pain, fear, depression, manipulation, hallucinations comes to live with the author. They speak biblically about pride, anger, fear, self-centeredness and lack of trust in God, instead of saying she needs her delusions and is too old for truth. "What was most crucial in her recovery was that because she had a loving Savior, she could dare face the truth about herself."

Dewart, Debbie, A way That Seems Right: John Bradshaw's False Gospel, preface by Jay Adams, Newport Beach, California: Discernment Publications, 1993, 278 pp.
Counseling. John Bradshaw is the public television guru of the recovery movement (dysfunctional families, inner child, adult child). He eclectically combines various popular psychologies with the language of New Age spirituality. Dewart examines Bradshaw's system in depth, comparing his teachings with the Scripture.

Eyrich, Howard A., Three to get Ready: Premarital Counseling Manual, 2nd ed., USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1978, 147 pp.
Counseling. Lays out a detailed program for seven sessions of premarital counseling. Covers basics of biblical marriage, self-awareness of personal traits, communication, money, sex, wedding details. "Some people will read this manual and ask, 'What is a pastor doing discussing life insurance, budgeting, or sex?' The answer is simple. He is responsible for the spiritual welfare of his flock. . . . Life is the legitimate domain of the spiritual counselor." Contains numerous questionnaires and personal inventories to xerox and use in counseling.

____, editor, What to do When, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1978, 120 pp.
Counseling. Addresses and workshops from the 1977 annual meeting of the National Association of Nouthetic Counseling. Henry Brandt traces his own movement from a simple biblical counselor to a well-trained secular counselor and then back to biblical basics. He also discusses resistant counselees, "the normal, natural tendency to throw up your guard when you do evil." "Many of us are looking for a way to make a counseling encounter pleasant and cheery and happy. We must recognize that when we're dealing with what people are doing wrong, we're not dealing with pleasant, cheery, happy subjects. We're dealing about the sordid -- evil, sin." Jay Adams says you can't really counsel an unbeliever but you precounsel, doing "problem-oriented evangelism." He also comments, "The only reason I use the Bible as a textbook for counseling is because that is the purpose for which it was given." John Broger describes his Biblical Counseling Training that equips laypeople for ministry. Lloyd Jonas says that amid the devastation of divorce, "genuine Christian counsel will have as its goal the desire to bring others into loving conformity to the law of God." Robert Somerville summarizes his book, Help for Hotliners.

Ganz, Richard L., Psychobabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative. Foreword by John MacArthur, Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 1993, 173 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. First person, passionate statement of the case for nouthetic counseling, Ganz's Competent to Counsel. The first half tells a good bit of Ganz's own story -- a psychotherapist who has become a pastor and nouthetic counselor -- and critiques secular psychology. The second half unpacks the positive vision in broad strokes. The church of Jesus Christ ministers to people whose lives have been torn apart by sin. The Christian life is a Holy War conducted in God's power. "Christianity does not work when there is a false expectation regarding what the Christian life is all about. . . . Most important, it does not work apart from the saving grace of God through Christ. But Christianity does work for sinners."

____, editor, Thou Shalt not Kill: The Christian Case Against Abortion, New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1978, 200 pp.
General pastoring. Collected essays dealing with various facets of the struggle against abortion.

____, You Shall be Free Indeed! The Statutes of Liberty for Godly Living, Nepean, Ontario: GSG Group, 1989, 150 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. Shows how to have the freedom Christ gives. Rings the changes on "freedom": true vs. false, internal and external, from the expectations of others, to fail or succeed, to change, from self-love, to love, from legalistic holiness, for gospel holiness.

____, and William Edgar, Sold out: How the Evangelical Church is Abandoning God for Self-Fulfillment, A Warning, ISBN: 0969469004 9780969469001. Ottawa: Onward Press, 1990, 175 pp.
General pastoring. Takes on the faulty world-views of Western culture, and the destructive influence of error on individuals, churches, and society. Sets out the hope of the Bible for rebuilding.

Horton, Michael, editor, Power Religion: The Selling out of the Evangelical Church? Chicago: Moody, 1992, 353 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. Not a counseling book, per se, but has chapters by David Powlison (1949-2019) and Ed Welch critiquing both the "integration" of psychology with evangelical Christianity and the "recovery movement." Other chapters include discussions of church growth, signs and wonders, and the church's involvement in politics.

Kettler, Steven, Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal, Newark, Delaware: Lettermen Associates, 1993, 821 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. Vast bibliographic resource, citing almost 6,000 works, old and new, on a wide range of issues related to practical Christian living.

Kinneer, Jack, How to Grow in Christ, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1981, 87 pp.
Counseling. CE. Workbook on basic discipleship. A dozen Bible studies cover entering into salvation, prayer, the Holy Spirit's presence, the Bible, overcoming sin, loving others, suffering, dealing with negative emotions, marriage, stewardship of resources, and personal evangelism.

Klempel, Richard, Lois Klempel, and Jay Adams (foreword), Abused? How you can Find God's Help, foreword by Jay Adams, Lima, Ohio: Fairway Press, 1991, 58 pp.
Counseling. CE. "Directs readers to biblical answers to questions and biblical solutions to problems" enabling people "to avoid the all-too-frequently-encountered trap of building a lifestyle around the tragedy." Workbook deals with reactions to abuse, God as Father, and practical steps to work through in order to change one's reactions to abuse.

Kruis, John G., Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1988, 144 pp.
Counseling. "The Scriptures are ideally suited for any and every counseling occasion. . . . As you do the Lord's work, the Holy Spirit is always the primary counselor, and he works powerfully, sovereignly through his own Word." Bible passages -- some brief, some lengthy -- that treat over 50 topics are assembled and arranged systematically. "They are arranged so that you can see at a brief glance the gist or thrust and the significance of each text or passage as it relates to the topic under which it is listed." The purpose is to give counselors a ready reference and a source of homework assignments.

MacArthur, John, Anxiety Attacked. Alternate title: ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING: GOD'S CURE FOR THE CARE OF YOUR SOUL, 2nd edition [A revised edition of ANXIETY ATTACKED, Victor Books (Scripture Press), 1993, ISBN: 1564761282 9781564761286, 188 pp.]
CE. Counseling. Practical helps for anxious people. A series of applied Bible studies from Matthew 6, Philippians, I Peter 5 [1 Peter 5], Hebrews 11-12 attack anxiety to solve it, focusing especially on who God is, on prayer, and on transforming thinking and actions. Includes a twenty page appendix that excerpts psalms relevant to anxiety. The last 35 pages contain a study guide for individual or group use. -- David Powlison (1949-2019)

____, and Wayne Mack, and others, Introduction to Biblical Counseling: A Basic Guide to the Principles and Practice of Counseling, Irving, Texas: Word Books, 1994, 400 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. Sounds a charge for frankly biblical counseling. Three chapters treat the history of biblical counseling. Seven chapters cover crucial theological issues that underpin a biblical counseling philosophy. Nine chapters unfold a counseling methodology emergent from Scripture. Two final chapters contain a list of resources and answer commonly asked questions.

Mack, Wayne A., The Bible's Answer to the Question: What is a Christian? USA: Mack Publishing, 1972, 26 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. Challenges six common answers to what makes a Christian: performing good works; having relatives who are active Christians; church activity; going forward to accept Christ; no one can really know; everybody is a Christian. The Bible says four things about a person who is a Christian: [1] a person radically changed by the power of God; [2] a person increasingly aware of his unworthiness in the sight of God; [3] a person who believes that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and the only Savior of sinners; [4] a person who has repented of his sins and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.

____, The Biblical Concept of Church Discipline. Cherry Hill, New Jersey: Mack Publishing Co., 1974, 29 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. Christ intended His organized church to reflect His purity in the behavior of her members. The concept of church discipline has been neglected and even repudiated. But the Bible is explicit in its call. There are three types of discipline: [1] preventative that tests the credibility of a person's profession of faith; [2] formative that disciples and edifies; [3] exceptional that corrects and punishes. Describes the authority (servant of the Lord) and the grounds (impenitent sins) of corrective church discipline. Gives advice on the Matthew 18 process. Warns of the dangers of excessive church discipline and no church discipline.

____, A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. I: Personal and Interpersonal Problems, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1979, 226 pp.
Counseling. CE. The counseling session is not the 'magic hour,' and this gives homework assignments that can help with a wide range of problems. Covers about 35 problems, from "Anger" and "Anxiety," through "Communication" and "Changing Sinful Thought Patterns," to "Vocation" and "Work." Typical assignments contain Bible studies, self-analysis questions, brief teachings, and plans to solve problems with a biblical course of action.

____, A Homework Manual for Biblical Counseling, Vol. II: Family and Marital Problems, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1980, 90 pp.
Counseling. CE. Homework covering a wide range of marital and child-rearing issues: communication, finances, data gathering (e.g., "Rate Your Marriage" and "Log Lists"), ways to show love, how parents provoke children to wrath, principles of bringing up children God's way. Includes teaching outlines, self-evaluation forms and questions, plans for biblical change, Bible studies.

____, How to Develop Deep Unity in the Marriage Relationship: A how to Manual for Christian Growth and Development, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1977, 151 pp. [Reprinted as Strengthening Your Marriage.]
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. Eight units cover the basics of marital unity: God's purpose for marriage; wife's responsibilities; husband's responsibilities; communication; finances; sex; raising children; family religion. Each chapter has about 10 pages of outlined teaching followed by Bible study, self-analysis, and personalized response and application.

____, How to Pray Effectively: A how to Manual for Christian Growth and Development, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1977, 57 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. Study manual for personal or group study. Fourteen page introduction teaches basics of biblical prayer. Seven Bible studies teach how to pray, covering Old Testament and New Testament examples, hindrances to prayer, mechanics of prayer, prayer requests and group prayer, and various problems of prayer that arise.

____, How to Read the Bible: A how to Manual for Christian Growth and Development, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1977, 78 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. Study manual for personal or group study. Begins with introductory readings by J.C. Ryle and Charles Spurgeon on the why and how of Bible reading. This is followed by a series of seven Bible studies on the importance of Bible reading, how Jesus Christ used the Bible, ways to profit from the Bible, problems and mistakes that can arise, and three particular methods of doing Bible study.

____, The Role of Women in the Church: A Study of the Bible to Discover God's Directives for the Church in This Area of Modern day Confusion and Turmoil, USA: Mack Publishing Co., 1972, 84 pp.
General pastoring. After introductory comments, the book breaks into two major sections: what women may not do in the church and what women may do in the church. "God said to the women, 'You glorify me in doing these particular acts.' He also said to the men, 'You glorify me by doing other acts.' May God help men and women to cheerfully submit to the will of God, for God's way is perfect."

____, The Sabbath, USA: Mack Publishing Co., 1973, 8 pp.
General pastoring. "There are clear biblical reasons for asserting that the fourth commandment is a perpetual obligation," as opposed to Christians who do the same things on Sunday as non-Christians. Gives practical suggestions for observing the Sabbath so that it will be a day of joy and glory to God.

____, Strengthening Your Marriage, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1977, 151 pp. [Reprint of How to Develop Deep Unity in the Marriage Relationship.]
Eight units cover the basics of marital unity: God's purpose for marriage; wife's responsibilities; husband's responsibilities; communication; finances; sex; raising children; family religion. Each chapter has about 10 pages of outlined teaching followed by Bible study, self-analysis, and personalized response and application.

____, To God be the Glory: A Study in the Biblical Doctrine of Particular Redemption, USA: Mack Publishing Co., 1973, 18 pp.
General pastoring. An essay on the doctrine of particular redemption: Christ died to save His people, not simply to make salvation possible. Scripture mandates the understanding that God's love is particular and personal. This truth magnifies God in His wisdom, power, justice and love. This truth magnifies the person and work of Jesus Christ. This truth is a strong motivating force unto praise, humility, obedience and boldness.

____, Where are you in Relation to God? Mack Publishing Co., 1973, 18 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. Shows the diverse ways people express their hostility and alienation from God. Then shows how God in Jesus Christ reconciles people to himself. Closes with a call and challenge: "Are you looking to Jesus Christ alone for salvation? Have you been reconciled and are you enjoying fellowship and communion with God? Well, if not, I challenge you to consider your condition, for you are still in a state of alienation from God. You are alienated from God by your sinful attitudes and by your sinful activities, and God is angry with you. come to God. Confess your sins. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."

____, You can Overcome Despondency, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1979, 32 pp. [Reprinted by Baker Book House, 1981.]
Counseling. CE. Describes many of the circumstantial causes of depression, but "though our circumstances may be very severe, we don't need to be depressed!" God gives a way to handle problems. Joy and sorrow may coexist. Unfolds Philippians 4:4 as a key to learning how to overcome despondency. "By God's power, we can conquer depression by consciously, continually, and deliberately making ourselves look at all of life from a God-centered point of view." Includes study guide and suggested assignments.

____, You can Resolve Interpersonal Conflicts, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1979, 24 pp. [Reprinted by Baker Book House, 1981.]
Counseling. CE. Unfolds Philippians 4:2f -- the conflict of Euodia and Syntyche -- as a paradigm for conflict solving. Take responsibility for your side; approach the other person in biblical ways; seek wise counsel. Includes suggested assignments.

____, Your Family, God's way: Developing and Sustaining Relationships in the Home. USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1991, 227 pp.
Counseling. CE. Unfolds Psalm 128's vision of godly family life. Calls on a husband and father to be first and foremost a "God-fearing" man. Calls on a wife and mother to become a "fruitful vine" because of the intimacy of her relationship with God. Calls on parents to view their children as precious "olive plants." Extensive and practical discussion of communication and problem-solving principles. Contains study and application assignments for each chapter.

____, with Nathan A. Mack, Preparing for Marriage God's way, Tulsa, Oklahoma: Virgil W. Hensley, 1986, 153 pp.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. A workbook that gives you "seven basic tools for a successful marriage. It enables you to: [1] assess your marital readiness; [2] know the other person for what he/she really is; [3] uncover any current problems and pinpoint future ones; [4] understand the solutions for both current and future difficulties; [5] develop skills for communication and conflict resolution; [6] prevent future heartache; and [7] prepare for a satisfying, fulfilling and God-honoring marriage." Thirteen chapters, each with a couple of pages of teaching and then questionnaires, inventories and Bible studies designed to help readers make personal application.

Owen, Jim, Christian Psychology's War on God's Word: The Victimization of the Believer, Santa Barbara, California: EastGate Publishers, 1993, 214 pp.
Counseling. Challenges the way psychological categories make man-the-sinner into man-the-victim. Christian psychologists preach "another gospel" that is akin to theological liberalism, not orthodoxy. The power of Christ, available to those who have faith, is squandered in the pursuit of lies.

Payne, Franklin E., Biblical Healing for Modern Medicine: Choosing Life and Health or. . . Disease and Death, Augusta, Georgia: Covenant Books, 1993, 236 pp.
"Seeks to offer a comprehensive biblical philosophy of medicine. 'Christians continue to consider that medicine and faith are separate moral categories. This book aims to correct that false conception.' Initial chapters lay out biblical perspectives on life, death, illness, and healing. Subsequent chapters discuss the modern medical profession, financing of medical care, psychology, death and dying, abortion, infertility, birth control, the role of the state and the church in medical issues, and self-help medicine. 'I am convinced that everything that physicians do must be subjected to close scrutiny'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Contents: True wholistic medicine: a sound mind and a sound body -- The Bible and the practice of medicine -- Physician, heal thyself? (the goals of medicine) -- Why does medical care cost so much? -- The Trojan horse of Christianity: psychology and psychiatry -- "It is appointed for men to die once" -- Abortion: the killing fields -- Who are my mother and father? -- "World overpopulation" and birth control -- "No admittance, healing in progress" -- Medicine and the civil government -- The church and the practice of medicine -- Health starts with the individual and family -- A Bible study: health, healing, and medicine -- A special message to physicians and medical students.

____, Biblical/Medical Ethics: The Christian and the Practice of Medicine, Milford, Michigan: Mott Media, 1985, 267 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. First half establishes a biblical basis for medical ethics, the need for an unchanging, authoritative moral standard, and the uncertain efficacy of modern medicine. "I am advocating a realistic understanding of its limitations, as well as its potential. Medicine does not deserve the great expectations for health which many of its leaders, physicians, public press, and lay advocates claim." Second half discusses the role of the church in health care and a series of ethical issues: abortion, psychotherapy, death and dying, euthanasia.

____, Making Biblical Decisions, Escondido, CA: Hosanna House, ISBN: 0962320404 9780962320408, 178 pp.
"Dr. Payne's book should be found on the shelf of every Christian home . . . it is bound to become a practical classic." -- Jay Adams
"Biblical perspective to inform a range of ethical decisions: birth control, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, genetic engineering, and death. 'We frequently overlook the fact that we live in a universe where the primary reality is supernatural.' 'My intent is to help all Christians know what is darkness and what is light within the practice of medicine'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)

Playfair, William, with George Bryson, The Useful lie,Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 1991, 188 pp.
Counseling. General Pastoring. Challenges the disease concept of alcoholism, the "useful lie" of the recovery movement. This lie underlies the widespread mistreatment of alcoholism and of other fundamentally moral problems, e.g., "codependency." Posits biblically based intervention that treats such problems as sins to be repented of. Opposes sending a person to the recovery industry because "He will be told his sin is a sickness; he will never be confronted with his real and most basic moral and spiritual problem. And he will more than likely be introduced to the any god of Twelve Stepdom, who is, by Biblical criteria, a false god."

Ray, Bruce A., Withhold not Correction, foreward by Jay Adams, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1978, 140 pp.
Counseling. CE. If children were animals then behavioral manipulation would be appropriate. If children were innocent then diverting them into other activities when they are angry or selfish would be appropriate. But children bear the image of God, distorted by sin and correctable by the Gospel. "The tablet is not blank: it's filled with sin." Therefore child-rearing is a process of correction and reorientation, and it must be guided by Scripture. Contrary to how it is often viewed, "discipline is not hate; discipline is love." Lays out eight principles for biblical correction of children. Closes with a "Parents' Topical Reference" to Bible passages on two dozen issues relevant to children.

Sande, Ken, The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1991, 246 pp., ISBN: 0801064856 9780801064852.
Counseling. CE. Lays out four phases of the reconciliation process: [1] glorify God; [2] get the log out of your own eye; [3] go and show your brother his fault; [4] go and be reconciled. The motivation and foundation for peacemaking lies in who God is, not in pragmatic self-interest. Self-examination and repentance lay the foundation for dealing well with the sins of others. Constructive confrontation involves both speaking the truth in love and listening in order to pursue understanding of the situation. Reconciliation and forgiveness are the culminating phase of peace making.

Scipione, George C., Timothy, Titus, and you: A Workbook for Church Leaders, preface by Jay Adams, Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Pilgrim Publishing Co., 1975, 79 pp.
General pastoring. A tool for training elders that forces them to confront the Scriptures in personalized detail. Nine lessons work through the elder's calling, prayer life, relationship to women, qualifications for office, challenge to discernment, management of God's household, discipline of others, wisdom in biblical counseling, and charge to faithfulness.

Somerville, Robert B., Help for Hotliners: A Manual for Christian Telephone Crisis Counselors, foreword by Jay Adams, USA: Presbyterian & Reformed, 1978, 266 pp.
Counseling. Guidelines for crisis counseling and training counselors. Describes the potential and the limitations of telephone counseling. A crisis is an emotionally-charged turning point; it presents tremendous opportunities; it involves grave dangers. Extended discussion of common problems: loneliness, salvation, husband-wife relationships. Contains a casebook with 35 typical crisis cases, questions for trainees to ponder, and a key to the casebook giving practical suggestions.

Somerville, Mary G., Mentor Moms: A Handbook for Mentoring Teen Mothers, USA: Goodpaige Print Communications, 1992, 126 pp. [Available from the author, 1819 E. Seeger, Visalia, CA, 93292.]
Extensive practical advice on how to set up a program to minister to unwed teenage mothers. Begins with philosophy and recruitment of mentors, mature women who take on the discipleship of a pregnant teen. Contains 18 weekly lesson plans for training and supervising the mentors. 40 pages of appendices contain everything from sample advertising to legal advice to evaluation forms.

Vandegriff, John, and Jay Adams (foreword), In the Arena of the Mind: Philippians 4:8, Howell, NJ: Ask, Seek, and Knock Publishing, 1992, ISBN: 0963172506 9780963172501, 186 pp.
Counseling. CE. Identifies many areas of sinful thinking: hurtful thoughts about others, self-pity, fear, lust, pride. Lays out a model for turning thinking around: sorrow, choice, change. The second half of the book seeks to fill the mind with various Philippians 4:8 good things. -- David Powlison (1949-2019)

Welch, Edward T., Counselor's Guide to the Brain and its Disorders: Knowing the Difference Between Disease and Sin, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1991, 336 pp. [See: Blame it on the Brain?: Distinguishing Chemical Imbalances, Brain Disorders, and Disobedience.]
Counseling. General pastoring. "Biological psychiatry is claiming more and more of the human experience as part of its domain, and it is quickly usurping moral and ethical territory that was once seen as belonging to the church. . . . It states we are ultimately molecular, not spiritual." Attempts to reclaim territory -- and break fresh theoretical ground -- by defining the contribution of somatic components to problems. Part 1 establishes a biblical view of the person and the extent of personal, moral responsibility during brain injuries and disorders. Part 2 gives medical information relevant to counselors, discussing common diseases that alter intellect, emotions or behavioral capabilities (Alzheimer's, MS, seizure, stroke, tumors, head injury, diabetes, female hormonal changes). Such things affect our spirits but do not break or control them. Part 3 reinterprets the so-called psychiatric diseases biblically. It also discusses the possibilities of misdiagnosis and gives diagnostic clues. Throughout, the goal is enable counselors to develop sensitivity to the interplay of organic and spiritual issues.

Sources of taped materials [audio file]

A wealth of biblical counseling material exists on tape [audio file]. Many of the best things have been spoken and never written down! Write for catalogs and listings.

Sound Word Associates, 430 Boyd Circle, P.O. Box 2035, Mall Station, Michigan City, IN, 46360
Sound Word has audio tapes from [1] NANC (National Association of Nouthetic Counselors) conferences, [2] CCEF (Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation) June Institutes, [3] CCEF's Sandy Cove Marriage conferences, focusing specifically on marriage and family issues, and [4] various tapes by Wayne Mack and Jay Adams.
Sound Word Associates Library of Biblical Counselors
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038
Telephone: 215.884.7676
Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West)

Westminster Media, Box 27009, Philadelphia, PA, 19118
Westminster Media has audio tapes of [1] numerous Jay Adams lectures, [2] CCEF's "Helps for the Family" radio shows, and [3] CCEF Alumni Day Conferences.
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038
Telephone: 215.884.7676
Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West)
Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore


The Journal of Biblical Conflict Resolution, Institute for Christian Conciliation (ICC), 1537 Avenue D, Suite 352, Billings, Montana, 59102. Twice per year, commencing Summer, 1994; contact ICC for price. Editor, Ken Sande.
Articles will address biblical negotiation, conflict counseling, mediation, arbitration and church discipline. Also will cover ethical, legal, and conciliator liability issues. Reviews will assess developments and books in the field of alternative dispute resolution.

The Journal of Biblical Counseling, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF), 1790 E. Willow Grove Ave., Laverock, PA, 19118. Three times per year; $18. Editor, David Powlison (1949-2019), (from 1977-1992 this was titled The Journal of Pastoral Practice and edited by Jay Adams.)
Articles on a wide range of counseling issues from a biblical perspective, as well as preaching. Reviews both biblical counseling books and other types of counseling.
The Journal of Biblical Counseling (formerly The Journal of Pastoral Practice)
The Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038
Telephone: 215.884.7676

Terrell, Hilton P. (editor), and Franklin E. Payne (editor), Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine, Volumes 1-4: 1987-1990 Augusta, GA: Covenant Books, 350 pages, ISSN: 1050-3404. Available from Covenant Enterprises, P.O. Box 14488, Augusta, GA 30919-0488.
"The JBEM was founded to bring biblical thinking to bear on medical issues. This book collects the first four years worth of articles, and includes a general index and an index of Scripture references. (A second volume, containing the next 4 years, is forthcoming.) Many articles are relevant to matters that come up in counseling ministry, matters about which counselors will want to offer informed advice." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine

The Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine, Forum for Biblical Ethics in Medicine, P.O. Box 13231, Florence, South Carolina, 29504. Four times per year; $18. Editor, Hilton Terrell.
Articles on medical ethics which present a biblical perspective.
The Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine

Annotated Bibliography for Biblical Counseling: 1995 Additions compiled by David Powlison (1949-2019)

Authors committed to developing greater wisdom in biblical counseling continue to publish. The list that follows supplements the extensive annotated bibliography that appeared in The Journal of Biblical Counseling in the Winter, 1994 issue (XII:2).

I request that authors, publishers, and our readers keep us informed about books and other resources as they become available. Publishers, please send a copy of each work to The Journal of Biblical Counseling for inclusion in future supplements and for consideration for a lengthier book review.
Here is an explanation of the notations:
1. Counseling -- intended for counselors to develop skills or conceptualizing.
2. CE -- intended as practical helps for counselees.
3. General pastoring -- wider church issues (worship, discipleship, missions, etc.).
4. Preaching -- helps for preachers.

* * * * *

[*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Jay Adams Set of Commentaries, a series of 10 volumes, Timeless Texts. Alternate title: THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S COMMENTARY SERIES and TEN VOLUME CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S COMMENTARY SERIES.
"This 10-volume series of commentaries is written in everyday English -- a must for laymen as well as the Pastor/Counselor. Jay Adams explains and applies biblical truths in the clear, understandable way that typifies his writing. He does not try to duplicate the standard technical commentaries, but supplements them with the implications of the text for God-honoring counseling and Christian living." -- Publisher

____, I and II Corinthians, [1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians], Hackettstown, New Jersey: Timeless Texts, 1994, 179 pp. Counseling. A commentary intended to supplement those that "comment exclusively about the text." This commentary series "largely comments about the implications of the text for Christian living," seeking to identify biblical teachings and practices that "seem especially relevant to the Christian counselor." Adams drew much of his counseling methodology from Paul's letters to the Corinthians, and this is a fitting first volume for the series. 1 Corinthians: "Consider the book as a whole. Often counselors are perplexed at the outset of a counseling case by the sheer magnitude of particulars in the situation. Paul sorted things out. Good counselor that he was, he took up each matter separately until he had exhausted the lot." 2 Corinthians: "It was a powerful letter, among Paul's writings unique for its personal appeal. If Paul is telling you anything in it as a counselor, it is that you must love your counselees dearly, give yourself to them, be willing to take it on the chin for their sake, put Christ forward first, and forget yourself."

____, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Hackettstown, New Jersey: Timeless Texts, 1994, 186 pp.
Counseling. Galatians: "Learn something, here, about how to be clear, sharp, pointed, and concise in your language. But, also, learn how to distinguish between those situations in which the defense of the gospel must be uppermost and when there is no such need (and, consequently, no need for sharp language). Ephesians: "It is a mistake to think that the first three chapters can be passed over as 'the doctrinal section' while turning to the last three as 'the practical section'. Doctrine can be applied in an exceedingly practical way." Colossians: "Doubtless [chapter 3] will become a favorite chapter of many counselors. It is full of useful helps for counseling people in almost any sort of situation." Philemon: "This little gem gives us so much insight into the workings of the apostle's mind and the tact he exhibited in his ways with men."

____, Helps for Counselors, revised and amplified, Hackettstown, New Jersey: Timeless Texts, 1994, 875 pp. (Revised version of book originally copyrighted 1977 and 1980.)
Counseling. Adams has added numerous counseling-oriented footnotes to his translation of the New Testament, and has made many minor revisions to the text itself in order to enhance readability. The last 70 pages contain the original "supplemental helps," a primer on counseling.

Allchin, Ronald A., Sr., Ripening Sonship: "A Wise Father's Counsel to his Son," A Study in Proverbs for Sons Cudahy, Wisconsin: Reminder Printing, 1994, 129 pages plus appendix. (Available from the author, 862 Thornton Lane, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, 60089.)
"Counseling. General pastoring. CE. This workbook from the Proverbs is for fathers and sons to work through together. A dozen lessons tackle important areas of life: wisdom, companions, relation to parents, relations with women, the tongue, knowledge of Christ the Lord." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)

Almy, Gary, and Carol Tharp Almy, with Jerry Jenkins, Addicted to Recovery: Exposing the False Gospel of Psychotherapy: Escaping the Trap of Victim Mentality, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1994, ISBN: 1565071859 9781565071858, 251 pp.
"The Almys are medical doctors who have written a polemic against the pop psychologies that have recently swept into the church. Through a series of detailed case studies, they portray the dynamics operative in therapeutically-induced false memories, the healing of memories, multiple personality disorder, unmet love needs, and codependency." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)

Brandt, Henry, Breaking Free: From the Bondage of Sin, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1994, 204 pp.
Counseling. CE. "A knowledge of sin and what to do about it is the most important information in the world, and the Bible is the source of that information." First half of the book is a general discussion of the nature of sin, in contrast to psychological views of human nature. The second half deals with particular sins, particularly anger. Brandt's purposes are that people would take responsibility for their lives, and so find God's grace.

Brandt, Henry, and Kerry Skinner, The Heart of the Problem: 12 Lessons for Making Lasting Change, Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman/Holman, 1995, 197 pp.
CE. Brandt and Skinner have adapted Brandt's 1991 book ("When You're Tired of Treating the Symptoms, and You're Ready for a Cure, Give Me a Call") into a workbook on how to face and solve personal problems. The book is designed for individuals or groups, and teaches basics of Christian living: how to understand your problems, to face your sins, to overcome excuse-making, to understand the hardships of life, to find the grace of Jesus Christ.

Bulkley, Ed, Why Christians Can't Trust Psychology, Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1993, 368 pp.
Counseling. The title plays on Gary Collins's Can You Trust Psychology? (1988), and Bulkley answers it with a resounding No. Offers an extended defense of the notion of biblically-based counseling, first exposing the "myths" of psychology, then showing the incompatibility between Christianity and psychology, finally setting forth a biblical alternative to psychology. "God has provided answers in His Scriptures for every possible spiritual/mental/emotional problem that mankind has ever and could ever experience."

Eyrich, Howard A., Three to get Ready: Premarital Counseling Manual, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1987, 1991, 228 pp.
Counseling. Eyrich has significantly expanded and reworked his program for conducting seven sessions of premarital counseling. Covers basics of biblical marriage, self-awareness of personal traits, communication, money, sex, wedding details. "Some people will read this manual and ask, 'What is a pastor doing discussing life insurance, budgeting, or sex?' The answer is simple. He is responsible for the spiritual welfare of his flock. . . . Life is the legitimate domain of the spiritual counselor." Contains numerous questionnaires and personal inventories to photocopy and use in counseling.

Fitzpatrick, Elyse, More Than Bread: A Workbook for Women who Struggle With Eating (San Diego, CA: CCEF West [now Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship]). Available from Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship, 3495 College Ave., San Diego, CA, 92115; 619-582-5554.
Counseling. CE. A workbook that addresses ungodly eating habits, both the obvious behaviors and the typical motives of the heart that produce such behavior. Addresses three main categories of sinful eating: overeating, anorexia, and bulimia.
Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West)

Kruis, John G., Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling, Second Edition, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1994, 160 pp.
Counseling. CE. Revised edition is 30 pages longer than first edition, with expanded and additional entries. "The Scriptures are ideally suited for any and every counseling occasion. . . . As you do the Lord's work, the Holy Spirit is always the primary counselor, and He works powerfully, sovereignly through His own Word." Bible passages -- some brief, some lengthy -- that treat over 50 topics are assembled and arranged systematically. "They are arranged so that you can see at a brief glance the gist or thrust and the significance of each text or passage as it relates to the topic under which it is listed." The purpose is to give counselors a ready reference and a source of homework assignments.

Miller, Wendell E., Forgiveness: The Power and the Puzzles, Warsaw, Indiana: ClearBrook Publishers, 1994, 261 pp.
Counseling. CE. Defines God's forgiveness in four ways: (1) initial forgiveness releases us from the penalty of sin and (2) restores us to fellowship with God, and (3) repetitive forgiveness releases us from the day by day penalty for fresh sins, and (4) restores us day by day to fellowship. Defines our forgiveness of others in two ways: (1) vertical forgiveness between us and God (Mark 11:25) releases others from the penalty of our wrath, and (2) horizontal forgiveness (Luke 17:3) restores the relationship between us and others who repent. Discusses flaws in such ideas as "forgiving God" and "forgiving oneself."

Powlison, David (1949-2019), God's Love: Better Than Unconditional, Resources For Changing Lives Series, P&R Publishing, April 2001, ISBN: 0875526861 9780875526867.
"Has anyone tried to comfort you with God's 'unconditional' love for you? Sounds kinda bland and remote doesn't it? It even sounds permissive. Well, there is a reason for your lackluster response to God's love being 'unconditional.' The truth is that God's love is radically more active and passionate.
"David Powlison demolishes the milk-toast mindset of mere 'unconditional love,' and presents God's love in all of its splendor and vibrancy. He gives many descriptive examples from the Bible of how God's love is dynamic, active, sacrificial, redeeming, thrilling . . .
"If you aren't enraptured and absorbed by the love of God, then do yourself a favor and get this booklet. It's power packed. It's dynamite." -- Reader's Comment

____, Power Encounters: Reclaiming Spiritual Warfare, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1995, 160 pp., ISBN: 0801071380 9780801071386.
General pastoring. Counseling. CE. Examines and critiques the distinctive ideas and practices of current "demon deliverance" ministries. Much current thinking and practice misunderstand how Jesus fought the devil's stratagems, failing to distinguish between the devil's hand in sin and the devil's hand in suffering (Jesus' exorcisms dealt with the latter exclusively). By demonizing sin, current "deliverance" practices misunderstand human nature, the devil, God, and the ways grace changes us. The Bible teaches ways of thinking and ministering that effectively fight the evil one, and case studies unpack the positive vision.

Scipione, George, The Biblical Battle for the Family: A Theology of Family Life. San Diego, California: CCEF West (now Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship), n.d. (available from CCEF West, 3495 College Ave., San Diego, CA, 92115; 619-582-5554)
General pastoring. Counseling. Sets the biblical view of family life in contrast to contemporary social forces that oppose such a view. Includes strategic and tactical suggestions for waging the battle successfully. Intended to establish the worldview that must undergird marriage and family counseling.
Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West)

____, Timothy, Titus and you: A Workbook for Church Leaders, San Diego, California: CCEF West (now Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship), n.d. (available from CCEF West, 3495 College Ave., San Diego, CA, 92115; 619-582-5554)
General pastoring. [Reprint of Scipione's 1975 book.] A tool for training elders that forces them to confront the Scriptures in personalized detail. Nine lessons work through the elder's calling, prayer life, relationship to women, qualifications for office, challenge to discernment, management of God's household, discipline of others, wisdom in biblical counseling, and charge to faithfulness.
Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West)

Shogren, Gary, and Edward Welch, Running in Circles: How to Find Freedom From Addictive Behavior (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1995), ISBN: 0801083877 9780801083877, 96 pp.
CE. Companion volume to Welch's and Shogren's ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR. Intended as a practical guide to help those who struggle with 'addictive behavior:' drugs, alcohol, food, immorality, and so forth. Especially useful as a first introduction to biblical thinking for such people. -- David Powlison (1949-2019)

Swartley, Dick, and Anne Swartley, Right Start Premarital Program, USA: R.H. and A.L. Swartley, 1993 (for further information contact the authors, 487 Glenwyth Rd., Wayne, PA, 19087-5304; 610-687-5935).
Counseling. General pastoring. Detailed instruction manuals for setting up a mentoring program in a local church to handle premarital counseling. Includes three notebooks, one for prospective couples, one for mentors, and for the pastor or counselor overseeing the premarital counseling.

Terrell, Hilton P., and Franklin E. Payne, eds. The Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine, Volumes 1-4: 1987-1990, Augusta, Georgia: Covenant Books, n.d., about 350 pp. $44 (available from Covenant Enterprises, P.O. Box 14488, Augusta, GA 30919-0488; (800) 766-7042).
General pastoring. Counseling. The JBEM was founded to bring biblical thinking to bear on medical issues. This book collects the first 4 years worth of articles, and includes a general index and an index of Scripture references. (A second volume, containing the next 4 years, is forthcoming.) Many articles are relevant to matters that come up in counseling ministry, matters about which counselors will want to offer informed advice.
Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine

Welch, Edward, and Gary Shogren, Running in Circles: How to Find Freedom From Addictive Behavior, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1995, 176 pp.
Counseling. General pastoring. Guides pastors and other counselors in understanding "addictions" biblically, and takes them through 5 typical sessions of counseling. The prominent case study focuses on alcohol abuse in a church context, but the principles apply to other enslaving behaviors.

Audio and Video [audio files, DVD]

CCEF West (now Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship), 3495 College Ave., San Diego, CA, 92115; 619-582-5554.
Counseling. Videotaped courses taught at CCEF West by George Scipione and others. Video series available include Introduction to Biblical Counseling (18 by George Scipione), Marriage and Family (30 by George Scipione and Andy Peterson), Advanced Seminar in Biblical Counseling (30 by George Scipione and others), and Methods of Psychological Counseling (20 by Andy Peterson). Catalogue available.
Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West)

Westminster Media, Box 27009, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19118; 215-572-3834.
Counseling. CE. General pastoring. Preaching. Westminster Media now distributes all CCEF audiotapes (including Jay Adams, John Bettler, Paul Tripp, Ed Welch, David Powlison (1949-2019), and numerous others). Includes "Helps for the Family" radio programs, Sandy Cove Marriage Conferences, CCEF's June Institute, CCEF's Alumni Day, and Westminster Seminary courses. Also includes tapes by other Westminster Seminary faculty. They have compiled an extensive resource catalogue which is available on request.
Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore

Related Weblinks

Audio Files on Counseling Subjects
A wealth of information about Biblical Counseling is found on audio CDs and MP3s. Sources for audio files on counseling subjects are as follows: Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038
Telephone: 215.884.7676

Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation Resources Audio Archives

Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West)

Institute for Nouthetic Counseling
"Study Biblical Counseling with Dr. Jay Adams."
"Here is a list of the courses we have ready:

Introduction to Biblical Counseling/Counseling Principles and Practices
The Counselor Himself
Critical Stages in Biblical Counseling
Counseling Problems
Premarital Counseling
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
Theology and Counseling
Church Discipline
Medical Issues in Counseling I and II
Marriage and Family Counseling
We are currently working on the following:
Counseling Theories and Issues Abroad in the Church Today
Legal Issues in Counseling
Counseling Women
The Christian Counselor's Casebook Studies"

The Journal of Biblical Counseling (formerly The Journal of Pastoral Practice)

Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine

*Powlison, David A.C. (1949-2019), Competent to Counsel? The History of Biblical Counseling, new edition. Alternate title: COMPETENT TO COUNSEL? THE HISTORY OF A CONSERVATIVE PROTESTANT ANTI-PSYCHIATRY MOVEMENT. College Park, PA: University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. thesis, 1996, ISBN: 0978556763 9780978556761.
David Powlison (1949-2019) is editor of The Journal of Biblical Counseling, a staff member of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.
"Through the years I have often asked our students and alumni about the pivotal moments of their studies at Westminster Theological Seminary. High on the list of frequent answers was Dr. Powlison's (1949-2019), class on "The Dynamics of Biblical Change." Students have told me repeatedly, "That course changed my life." We thank God for the gift of Dr. Powlison (1949-2019) who has left such a permanent impact on so many, including Westminster Theological Seminary." -- Peter Lillback

*Powlison, David (1949-2019, compiler and annotator), Contemporary Biblical Counseling: With 1995 Additions, an annotated bibliography.
David Powlison (1949-2019), is editor of the The Journal of Biblical Counseling, current director of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.

Timeless Texts (Biblical Counseling books)

Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore

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