Index of Subjects, 1993 print edition, Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal

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1 and 2 Corinthians, 290
1 and 2 Thessalonians, 296
1 Chronicles, 274
1 Kings, 274
1 Samuel, 274
1 Timothy, 296
2 Chronicles, 274
2 Kings, 274
2 Samuel, 274
2 Timothy, 296
1, 2, 3 John, 300
Abnormal behavior and mental illness, 235
 sa Biblical counsel by subject
    Case studies
    Manuals and handbooks
    Physiological problems
    Reference works
    Referral in pastoral counseling
Abortion and the sanctity of life, 183, 401
 sa Action, Christian
    Decline of American society
    Modern myths and fallacies
Absolute truth and relativism, 20
 sa Christian world and life view
    Freedom, the theology of
    Pseudo-christian movements
    Secular humanism, the religion of
Abuse (women), 413
Abuse, 187
 sa Pseudo-christian movements
Action, Christian, 707
 sa Biography
    Christian history
    Christian Reconstruction
    Christian world and life view
    Conspiracy and corruption
    Courts and the law base
    Politics and government
Action, political, 710
Activism, Christian, 708
Acts, 287
Adams, Jay, works of, 239
Adoptive parents
 sa Stepfamilies
Adultery, 195
Adventists, Seventh Day, 690
Adversity, 191
Affliction (women), 414
Affliction, 191
 sa Christian history
    Gospel message of salvation
    Pseudo-Christian movements
Aged, 555
AIDS, 554
Alcoholism, 199
Anabaptists, 691
 sa Arminianism
    Protestant Reformation
Angels, 63
Anger, 196
 sa Hostility
Answers, quick, 115
Antinomianism, 686
Apologetics in sermons by D. James Kennedy, 361
Apologetics, 138
 sa Authority
    Christian classics containing Biblical counsel
    Gospel message of salvation
    Gospel tracts and witnessing tools
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    The Lord Jesus Christ
Arminianism, 108
Assurance and perseverance of the saints, 137
Atheism, 145
 sa Freedom, the theology of
    Inspiration, revelation, and inerrancy
    Lordship of Jesus Christ
    Lordship theology
    Pseudo-Christian movements
Attributes of God, 30
Audio cassette tapes on counseling subjects, 181
 sa Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
    Westminster Media
    Works of Jay Adams
    Works of D. James Kennedy
    Works of R.C. Sproul
    Works of Charles R. Swindoll
Audio cassettes, CCEF speakers, 268
Authority, 23
Banking, 621
Basics of the Christian faith, 441
 sa Apologetics
Becoming a Christian, 5
Best books in this bibliography, 3
Bible, 13
 sa Bible reference works
    Commentaries containing Biblical counsel
    Inspiration, revelation, and inerrancy
    Manuals and handbooks
    Textual criticism
    Topical listings of Scripture
    Wisdom books
Bible promises, 118
Bible reading and devotional guides, 76
Bible reference works, 432
Bible Speaks Today Series, 302
Bible study, 452
Bible translations, 22
 sa Textual criticism
Biblical applications in evangelism, 131
Biblical Blueprint Series, 631
 sa Christian Reconstruction
    Christian world and life view
Biblical counsel by subject, 183
 sa Abnormal behavior and mental illness
    Audio cassette tapes on counseling subjects
    Believer's position in christ and sonship
    Bible reference works
    Biblical counseling centers
    Biblical counseling training
    Church discipline
    Christ and counseling
    Christian classics containing biblical counsel
    Christian counseling and educational foundation
    Commentaries containing biblical counsel
    Counseling and the local church
    Counseling children
    Counseling for sex related problems
    Counseling teens
    Counseling the family
    Counseling the sick
    Crisis counseling
    For all counselors
    General works on Biblical counseling
    Holy Spirit and counseling
    Index to authors and titles
    Legal aspects of counseling
    Love and counseling problems
    Manuals and handbooks
    Marital counseling
    Medical aspects of pastoral counseling
    Parables of Christ
    Pastoral counseling
    Peer counseling
    Physiological problems
    Preaching and pastoral counseling
    Premarital counsel
    Priesthood of believers
    Proverbs, topical listings
    Questions and answers
    Referral in pastoral counseling
    Resources in Christian Counseling Series
    Sermon on the Mount
    Sermons containing biblical counsel
    Teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ
    Topical listings of scripture
    Training in biblical counseling
    Westminster Media
    Wisdom books
    Women and counseling
    Works of Jay Adams
    Works of D. James Kennedy
    Works by and about Puritans
    Works of Charles R. Swindoll
Biblical counsel for women, 408
Biblical counseling, 162
 sa Biblical counsel by subject
Biblical counseling centers, 698
Biblical counseling tracts, 229
 sa Gospel tracts and witnessing tools
Biblical counseling training, 119
 sa Biblical counsel by subject
    Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
    Westminster Media
Biblical principles, 708
Bibliography of bibliographies, 435
 sa Other resources
Biography, Christian, 649
Biography of Bible characters, 655
Biography of Christian women, 419
Bitterness and resentment, 220
Blood of Christ, 53
Blueprint Series, Biblical, 631
Book-length presentations of the Gospel message of salvation, 6
Brainwashing, mind control and, 217
 sa Mind, the battle for
    Mind control, intimidation, and coercion
    Pseudo-Christian movements
Buying books, tips on, 669
Calvinism, 105
 sa Arminianism
    Christian world and life view
    Politics and government
Canonicity, 23
Carnality, 197
 sa Hypocrisy
Case studies, 229
 sa Casuistry
    Biblical counsel by subject
    Medical ethics
Casuistry, 204
CCEF speakers, audio cassettes, 268
CCEF, 265
CCEF, annual alumni conferences, 268
Cell groups, 87
 sa Proposal to form a cell group
    Christian fellowship
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Small groups
Charismatics, 686
Child abuse, 187, 190
Children of divorce, 543
 sa Adoptive parents
    Fatherhood of God
    Finding the perfect parent in God
Children of God, 691
Christ and counseling, 158
Christ in you, 453
Christ our example, 469
 sa Believer's position in Christ and Sonship
    Cross of Christ
    Life and work of Jesus Christ the Lord
    Priesthood of believers
    The Lord Jesus Christ
Christ, The Lord Jesus, 34
Christ, the sufficiency of, 55
Christ's Kingdom, 37
Christian action, 707, 708
 sa Christian world and life view
    Gospel message of salvation
    Providence of God
    Sharing Christ with your children
Christian biography, 649
 sa Founding fathers
Christian character, 458
Christian classics containing Biblical counsel, 304
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, 265
Christian fellowship, 87
Christian fiction, 661
Christian history, 561
Christian life, 453
 sa Basics of the Christian faith
    Bible reference works
    Biblical counsel by subject
    Christ our example
    Christian biography
    Christianity and the workplace
    Fruit of the Holy Spirit
    Gifts of the Holy Spirit
    The Lord Jesus Christ
Christian literature for boys and girls, 502
Christian Reconstruction, 625
 sa Biblical Blueprints Series
    Christian world and life view
    Works of Gary North
Christian roots of America, 566
 sa Bibliography of bibliography
    Christian history
    Christian roots of American, sermons by D. James Kennedy
    Christian self-government
    Freedom, the theology of
    Works by and about Puritans
Christian self-government, 584
 sa Calvinism
Christian world and life view, 587
 sa Christian history
    Christian roots of America
    Christian self-government
    Christianity and the workplace
    Decline of American society
    Freedom, the theology of
    Modern myths and fallacies
    Political and ecoomic freedom
    Political action
    Politics and government
    Protestant Reformation
    Secular humanism, the religion of
    Ten Commandments
Christianity in the workplace, 534
 sa Counter-reformation
    Pseud-Christian movements
Christmas, 508
Church and divorce, 541
Church and small groups, 90
Church and state, 610
 sa Conspiracy and corruption
    Courts and the law base
    Protestant Reformation
    Religious freedom
    Secular humanism, the religion of
Church discipline, 522
Church history, 531
Church leadership, 525
Churches that abuse, 524
Clark, Gordon, works of, 339
Classics, Christian, 304
Classics, collections of Christian, 309
Coercion, 694
Collections of Christian classics, 309
Colossians, 295
Comfort, 194
Commentaries containing Biblical counsel, 269
 sa Bible reading and devotional guides
    Christian classics containing Biblical counsel
    Complete works of various authors
    Sermons containing Biblical counsel
Commentaries on the whole Bible, 270
Commentaries, guides to, 270
Communication, 152
Compiled quotations, 665
Complete works of various authors, 309
Confessions, creeds, and catechisms, 145
Conspiracy and corruption, 619
 sa Banking
    Christian Reconstruction
    Decline of American society
    Political action
    Politics and government
    Secular humanism, the religion of
Counseling and the local church, 522
 sa Biblical counsel by subject
Counseling children, 496
Counseling for sex related problems, 490
Counseling teens, 511
 sa Sexually transmitted diseases (see Sex education)
Counseling the family, 507
 sa Biblical counsel by subject
    Topical listings of Scripture
    Training in Biblical counseling
    Works of Jay Adams
    Works of D. James Kennedy
Counseling the sick, 553
Counter-reformation, 684
 sa Conspiracy and corruption
    Political action
    Politics and government
    Protestant Reformation
Courts and the law base, 621
 sa Christian world and life view
    Church and state
    Political action
    Politics and government
Covenant theology, 109
 sa Grace of God
    Lordship of Jesus Christ
    Lordship theology
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Ten Commandments
Creationism and evolutionism, Biblical, 640
Creeds, confessions, and catechisms, 145
Crisis counseling, 120
 sa Ready references: immediate counsel on many subjects
Cromwell, Oliver, 208
Cross of Christ, 50
 sa Believer's position in Christ and Sonship
    The Lord Jesus Christ
Cultists, witnessing to, 697
Cults, handbooks, 696
Daniel, 281
Dating, 512
Death, 556
 sa Affliction
Decalogue, 156
Decalogue (women), 408
Decisions, knowing the will of God, patience, 475
 sa Casuistry
Decline of American society, 642
 sa Biblical Blueprints Series
    Christian action
    Christian Reconstruction
    Conspiracy and corruption
    Modern myths and fallacies
    Political action
    Politics and government
Depression, 197
 sa Suicide
Deuteronomy, 273
Devotional guides, Bible reading and, 76
Devotions (women), 395
Dewey Decimal System Classifications, 674
Discernment, spiritual, 460
Discipleship, 398, 445
 sa Believer's position in Christ and Sonship
    Bible reading and devotional guides
    Christian life
    Holy Spirit
    Mind, the Battle for
Discipline, 443
Disciplining children, 495
Dispensationalism, 112
Divorce (women), 414
Divorce, 540, 542
 sa Adultery
    Case studies
    Problem solving in marriage
    Reconciliation of relationships
Divorce, avoiding, 541
Doctrine of man, 469
Drug abuse, 198
 sa Gospel message of salvation
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    The occult
Dying, ministering to the, 557
Eating disorders, 236
Ecclesiastes, 162, 279
Education, 513
 sa Christian action
    Christian world and life view
    Creeds, confessions, and catechisms
    Other resources
    Suggested personal action
    Works of Gordon Clark
    Works of D. James Kennedy
Elliot, Elisabeth, works of, 416
Emergency counseling, 120
 sa Ready references: immediate counsel on many subjects
Emotions and health, 548
 sa Love and counseling problems
    Mind, the battle for
    Mind control and brainwashing
    Mind control, intimidation, and coercion
Environment, 712
Ephesians, 292
Esther, 275
Ethics, 200
 sa Absolute truth and relativism
    Church discipline
    Works by and about Puritans
Ethics, medical, 203
Evangelism, 126
 sa Apologetics
    Book-length presentations of the Gospel message of salvation
    Cross of Christ
    Gospel message of salvation
    Gospel tracts and witnessing tools
    Knowing Christ
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Resources for students
    Sharing Christ with your children
    Small group evangelism
    Spiritual warfare
Evangelism, Biblical applications, 131
Evangelism, small group, 90
Evangelistic praying, 86
 sa Evangelism
    Intercessory prayer
    Small group evangelism
Evil, the problem of, 205
 sa Judgment
    Justice and goodness
    Related theology
Evolutionism, Biblical creationism and, 640
Exodus, 273
Expository Bible commentaries of practical value, 269
Ezekiel, 281
Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, 275
Faith, 26
Fallacies, modern myths, 636
Family (women), 404
Family management, 507
Family planning, 486
Family, 503
 sa Bible reading and devotional guides
    Love and counseling problems
    Men, women, and God
    Reconciliation of relationships
Family worship
 sa Christ Jesus the Lord
    Psalms in Worship
    Regulative Principle of Worship
Fatherhood of God, 33
 sa Finding the perfect parent in God
Fatherhood, 492
 sa Manhood
Fear, 209
 sa Emotions and health
    Worry and anxiety
Fellowship, Christian, 87
Feminism, 417
Fiction, Christian, 661
Finances, personal and family, 471
Finding the perfect parent in God, 513
 sa The Fatherhood of God
Follow-up of inquirers, 136
 sa Basics of the Christian faith
    Gospel tracts and witnessing tools
For all counselors, 175
Forgiveness of sin, 151
 sa Guilt
    Reconciliation of relationships
Founding fathers, 569
Freedom, religious, 572, 708
Freedom, theology of, 571
 sa Authority
    Christian roots of America
    Church and state
    Conspiracy and corruption
    Courts and the law base
    Political action
    Political and economic freedom
    Politics and government
    Priesthood of believers
    Protestant Reformation
Friendship, 150, 399
    sa Loneliness
Fruit of the Holy Spirit, 57
 sa Galatians
Galatians, 291
Gambling, 210
General reference works, 433
 sa Reference works
    Justifying Faith
    Reconciliation of relationships
    Bible promises
    Marital counseling
    Bible commentaries
General works on Biblical counseling, 163
General works, commentaries, 269
Genesis, 272
Gerstner, John, works of, 344
Gifts of the Holy Spirit, 58
God's plan for you!, 5
God, 29
 sa Cross of Christ
    Freedom, the theology of
    Gospel message of salvation
    Holy Spirit
    Providence of God
    Related theology
    Sharing Christ with your children
    The Lord Jesus Christ
    The Trinity
God, attributes of, 30
God, fatherhood of, 33
God, grace of, 33
God, providence of, 34
Goodness and justice, 193
Gospel message of salvation, 5
 sa Apologetics
    Cross of Christ
    Freedom, the theology of
    Gospel message of salvation, Book-length presentations
    Gospel tracts and witnessing tools
    Gospel, other works
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Sharing Christ with your children
    The Lord Jesus Christ
Gospel message of salvation, Book-length presentations, 6
Gospel tracts and witnessing tools, 132
Gospel, other works, 10
Government, politics and, 613
Grace of God, 33
Gratuitous sex, a cause of violence, 490
 sa Abortion and the sanctity of life
    Child Abuse
    Sexually transmitted diseases (see Sex education)
Grief, 211, 558
Groups, small, 87
Guides to commentaries, 270
Guilt, 210
Habakkuk, 281
Habits, 208
 sa Discipleship
Haggai, 281
Handbooks and manuals, 427
Handbooks on the cults, 696
Handicapped, 211
Hard-case witnessing, 135
 sa Pseudo-Christian movements
    The occult
    Witnessing to cults
Healing agents, small groups as, 92
Healing, 552
Health (women), 402
 sa Emotions and health
    Physical health
    Spiritual aspects of health
Heaven, 153
Hebrews, 297
Hell, 155
 sa Holiness
Higher criticism, 20
History, Christian, 561
 sa Calvinism
    Christian biography
    Christian roots of America
    Christian world and life view
    Protestant Reformation
    Works by and about Puritans
History, God's sovereign hand in, 32
Holidays, 508
Holiness, 463
 sa Believer's position in Christ and Sonship
    Christian life
Hollywood, 711
Holy Bible, 13
Holy Spirit, 55
Holy Spirit, fruit of, 58
Holy Spirit, gifts of, 58
Home management, 405
Home schooling, 406, 515
Homework for counselees, 228
Homosexuality, 212
 sa AIDS
    Gratuitous sex, a cause of violence
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Sexually transmitted diseases (see Sex education)
    The occult
Hope, 124
 sa Affliction
    Attributes of God
Hosea, 281
Hostility, 213
 sa Anger
    Emotions and health
    New Age
    Pseudo-Christian movements
House churches, 89
How to become a Christian, 5
Humor, 550
Husband not a believer, 402
Hypocrisy, 209
 sa Pseudo-Christian movements
Incarnation of our Lord, 35, 38
Incest, 189
 sa Abuse
    Gratuitous sex, a cause of violence
    Sexually transmitted diseases (see Sex education)
Incest (women), 415
Individual freedom, 580
 sa Priesthood of believers
Inerrancy, inspiration and revelation, 16
 sa Absolute truth and relativism
    Christian world and life view
    Textual criticism
Infertility, 487
Inspiration, revelation, and inerrancy, 16
Intercessory prayer, 86
Interpersonal relationships in the local church, 532
Intimidation, 694
Isaiah, 280
James, 298
Jealousy, 211
Jehovah's Witnesses, 689
Jeremiah, 281
Jesus Christ, The Lord, 34
Jesus Christ The Lord, the person and work of, 41
Jesus on prayer, 85
Jesus People, 691
Job, 162, 195, 276
Joel, 281
John, 286
Jonah, 281
Joshua, Judges, and Ruth, 274
Joy, 549
 sa Fruit of the Spirit
    Holy Spirit
Judges, 274
Judgment, 156
 sa Covenant theology
    Decline of American society
    Pseudo-Christian systems
Justice and goodness, 193
Justification and sanctification, 458
 sa Believer's Position in Christ and Sonship
    Gospel message of salvation
    Grace of God
    Priesthood of believers
    Sharing Christ with your children
Kennedy, works of D. James, 345
 sa Absolute truth and relativism
    Audio cassette tapes on counseling subjects
    Christian roots of America
    Christian world and life view
    Gospel message of salvation
Knowing Christ, 38
L'Abri, 95
Laity, 523
Lamentations, 281
Latter Day Saints, Mormonism, 689
Leadership helps, small groups, 94
Leadership, 538
Legal aspects of counseling, 183
Leviticus, 273
Library of Congress Subject Headings, 674
Local church and counseling, 522
 sa Ready references: immediate counsel on many subjects
Local church, 518
 sa Believer's position in Christ and Sonship
    Christian history
    Church and state
    Creeds, confessions, and catechisms
    Family worship
    Local church and Biblical counseling
    Priesthood of believers
    Protestant Reformation
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Small groups and the local church
Loneliness, 151
Lord Jesus Christ, glory of, 36
Lord Jesus Christ, incarnation of, 35
Lord Jesus Christ, The, 34
Lordship of Jesus Christ, 40
 sa Christ's Kingdom
    Christian Reconstruction
    Christian world and life view
    Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ
    Incarnation of our Lord
    Person and work of Jesus Christ the Lord
    Politics and government
    Pseudo-Christian movements
Lordship theology, 108
 sa Christ's Kingdom
    Covenant theology
    Lordship of Jesus Christ
    Sovereignty of God
Love and personal problems, 121
 sa Christian fellowship
    Gospel message of salvation
    Reconciliation of relationships
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Small groups as healing agents
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn, works of, 365
Luke, 286
MacArthur, John F., Jr., works of, 370
MacDonald, George, fiction by, 664
Malachi, 281
Malcolm series, 664
Man, the doctrine of, 469
Manhood, 466
 sa Believer's Position in Christ and Sonship
    Christ our example
    Christian fellowship
    Fruit of the Holy Spirit
    Priesthood of believers and Sonship
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Spiritual warfare
    The Lord Jesus Christ
Manuals and handbooks, 427
Marital counseling, 174
 sa Casuistry
    Justifying Faith
    Reconciliation of Relationships
    Bible promises
Mark, 285
Marriage (women), 401
Marriage, 481
 sa Adams, Jay, works of
    Kennedy, D. James, works of
    Love and counseling problems
    Marriage, problems solving
    Men and women
    Men, women, and God
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Sproul, R.C., works of
    Swindoll, Charles R., works of
Marriage, problem solving, 484
Matthew, 284
Media, 711
Medical aspects of pastoral counseling, 173
 sa Physical Health
    Physiological problems
    Women's health
Medical ethics, 203
Memory systems, Bible, 118
 sa Topical listings of Scripture
Men and women, 400
Men, women, and God, 470
Mental illness and abnormal behavior, 235
 sa Bible reference works
    Case studies
Micah, 281
Military, 539
Mind control and brainwashing, 217
Mind control, intimidation, and coercion, 694
Mind, the battle for the, 214
 sa Apologetics
    Book-length presentations of the Gospel message of salvation
    Christian world and life view
    Gospel message of salvation
    Pseudo-Christian movements
Ministering to the dying, 557
Ministering to the sick, 553
 sa Counseling the sick
    Emotions and health
    Spiritual aspects of health
Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos,
Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk,
Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and
Malachi, 281
Miscarriage, 487
Miscellaneous subjects, 667
Moonies, Spiritual Unification Church, 691
Mormonism, Church of the Latter Day Saints, 689
 sa Conspiracy and corruption
    Politics and government
    Psuedo-Christian movements
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
Motherhood, 403, 493
 sa Parenting
    Women and parenting
Music, 72
 sa Praise
Myths and fallacies, modern, 636
 sa Biblical creationism and evolutionism
    Christian world and life view
    Church and state
    Conspiracy and corruption
    Decline of American society
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Psychology and psychiatry
    Secular humanism, the religion of
    Textual criticism
    Works of D. James Kennedy
Nahum, 281
Nehemiah, 275
New Age, 692
 sa Apologetics
    Conspiracy and corruption
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Secular humanism, the religion of
New Age (women), 418, 694
New Testament, 284
North, Gary, the works of, 632
Numbers, 273
Obadiah, 281
Obeying God, 444
Occult, 217, 695
Old Testament, 272
Oliver Cromwell, 208
Pacifism, 207
Packer, J.I., works of, 373
Parables of Christ, 161
Parenting, 491
 sa Children of divorce
    Emotions and health
    Reconciliation of relationships
    Resources for students
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Spiritual aspects of health
Pastor's wife, 408
Pastoral counseling, 170
 sa Biblical counsel by subject
Pastoral Epistles: 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus, 296
Patience, 475
Peer counseling, 178
 sa Biblical counsel by subject
Persecution, 217
 sa Counter-reformation
    Protestant Reformation
    Pseudo-Christian movements
Perseverance of the saints, 137
Personal action, suggested, 712
Personal advice in sermons by D. James Kennedy, 363
Personal and family finances, 471
Peter and Jude, 299
Philemon, 296
Philippians, 294
Physical health, 547, 554
 sa Emotions and health
    Medical aspects of counseling
    Physiological problems
    Praying for the sick
    Small groups as healing agents
    Spiritual aspects of health
Physiological problems, 236
 sa Depression
    Miscarriage and stillborn
    Women's health
PMA, Positive mental attitude, 690
Political action, 710
Political and economic freedom, 576
 sa Banking
    Christian action
    Christian world and life view
    Conspiracy and corruption
    Works of Gary North
Politics and government, 613
 sa Authority
    Biblical Blueprints Series
    Christian action
    Christian history
    Christian Reconstruction
    Christian roots of America
    Christian world and life view
    Conspiracy and corruption
    Decline of American society
    Freedom, the theology of
    Political action
    Political and economic freedom
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Suggested personal action
    Works of Gary North
Pornography, 220, 711
Position in Christ and Sonship, 63
 sa Justification
    Priesthood of believers
    Positive confession and positive mental attitude (PMA), 690
Power religion, 25
Power, 24
Praise, 74
 sa Music
Prayer groups, 84
Prayer, 80
 sa Praise
Prayer, intercessory, 86
 sa Proposal to form a cell group
Prayer, Jesus on, 85
Praying, evangelistic, 86
Premarital counsel, 480
Preaching and pastoral counseling, 173
Predestination, 111
Preparing children for the world, 500
Priesthood of believers, 67
 sa Believer's position in Christ and Sonship
    Cross of Christ
    Freedom, the theology of
    Holy Spirit
    Intercessory prayer
    Small groups
    The Lord Jesus Christ
Problem of evil, 205
Problem solving in marriage, 484
Problem solving with children, 496
Prodigals, 220
 sa Reconciliation of relationships
Promises, Bible, 118
Prophets, minor, 281
Proposal to form a cell group, 700
 sa Christian fellowship
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
Protecting children from dangers, 499
 sa A Selection of Works on Pseudo-Christian Movements
    . . . 
Protestant Reformation, 563
Proverbs, 163, 278
Proverbs, topical listings, 118
Providence of God, 34
Psalms, 163, 222, 276, 277, 278
Pseudo-Christian movements, 220, 683
 sa Antinomianism
    Conspiracy and corruption
    Holy Bible
    Inspiration, revelation, and inerrancy
    Mind control and brainwashing
    Mind control, intimidation, and coercion
    Mind, the battle for
    Spiritual discernment
    Spiritual warfare
    Textual criticism
    The Trinity
Psychiatry, 676
Psychology and psychiatry, 676
Psychosomatic illness, 550
Public schools, 516, 711
Puritan Revolution, 207
Puritans, works by and about, 311
 sa Casuistry
    Christian history
    Christian roots of America
    Commentaries containing Biblical counsel
    Complete works of various authors
    Works of John Gerstner
    Works of J.I. Packer
    Works of C.H. Spurgeon
Questions and answers, 179
Quick answers, 115
Quotations, compiled, 665
Rape (women), 415
Rape, 189
 sa Abuse
    Gratuitous sex, a cause of violence
Ready references: immediate counsel on many subjects, 115
 sa Topical listings of Scripture
Rebuilding (after divorce), 543
 sa Being single (women)
    Children of divorce
    Reconciliation of marriage partners
Recommended Dewey Decimal System Classifications, 674
Recommended Library of Congress Subject Headings, 674
Reconciliation of marriage partners, 540
Reconciliation of relationships, 147
 sa Christianity and the workplace
Reconstruction, Christian, 625
Reference works, 430
 sa Bible reference works
    Bibliography of bibliography
    Manuals and handbooks
    Proverbs, topical listings
    Topical listings of Scripture
Referral in pastoral counseling, 174
Reform of the church, 526
Reformation, Protestant, 563
 sa Family Worship
    Scottish Reformation
 sa Music
Relationships, reconciliation of, 147
Relativism, 20
Religious freedom, 572, 708
Remarriage, 540, 544
Renunciation (see Trusting God)
Repentance the key to salvation and change, 130
Resentment and bitterness, 220
 sa Affliction
    Emotions and health
Resolute Women Series, 664
Resources for students for, 533
Resources in Christian Counseling Series, 390
Resources, other, 703
 sa Biblical counseling centers
    Bibliography of bibliography
    Christian action
    Christian classics containing Biblical counsel
    Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
    Resources for students
    Resources, small group
    Suggested personal action
    Westminster Media
Resources, small group, 93
Resurrection, 54
Revelation, 301
Revivals, 58
 sa Apologetics
    Book-length presentations of the Gospel message of salvation
    Christian history
    Evangelistic praying
    Gospel message of salvation
    Sharing Christ with your children
Romans, 288
Roots of America, Christian, 566
Ruth, 274
Sabbath, 453
Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, 274
Sanctification, 460
Scripture, topical listings, 116
Secret societies and unholy alliance, 687
 sa Authority
    Christ's Kingdom
    Christian fellowship
    Christian Reconstruction
    Conspiracy and corruption
    Covenant theology
    Freedom, the theology of Judgment
    Lordship of Jesus Christ
    Lordship theology
    Love and counseling problems
    Political action
    Politics and government
    Protestant Reformation
    Providence of God
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Sovereignty of God
    Sufficiency of Christ
    Ten Commandments
    The occult
Secular humanism, the religion of, 608
Self, 221
 sa Discipline
Self-government, Christian, 584
Self-image, 221
Separation of church and state (see Church and state)
Sermon on the Mount, 161, 285
Sermons by D. James Kennedy, 351
Sermons containing Biblical counsel, 303
 sa Works of D. James Kennedy
    Works of John F. MacArthur, Jr.
    Works of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
    Works of C.H. Spurgeon
    Works of Charles R. Swindoll
Seventh Day Adventists, 690
Sex (women), 415
Sex education, 498
Sex, 487
 sa Abuse
    Gratuitous sex, a cause of violence
    Sex education
Sex, counseling for problems related to, 490
Sex, violence and, 490
Sexually transmitted diseases (see Sex education)
Sharing Christ with your children, 493
 sa Apologetics
    Believer's Position in Christ and Sonship
    Book-length presentations of the Gospel message of salvation
    Cross of Christ
    Gospel message of salvation
    Gospel message of salvation
    Gospel tracts and witnessing tools
    Grace of God
    Justification and sanctification
    Knowing Christ
    Priesthood of believers
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Resources for students
    Sharing Christ with your children
    Small group evangelism
    Spiritual warfare
    Student resources
Sickness, 551
 sa Death
    Emotions and health
    Physical health
    Reconciliation of relationships
    Sexually transmitted diseases (see Sex education)
    Women's health
Sin, 223
Single parenting, 502
 sa Being single
    Women and parenting
Singleness, 479
Sleep, 225
Small group evangelism, 90
Small group leadership helps, 94
Small group resources, 93
Small groups and the local church, 523
Small groups as healing agents, 92
Small groups, 87
 sa Christian fellowship
    Intercessory prayer
    Proposal to form a cell group
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
Software, 667
Song of Solomon, 280
Sonship, believer's position in Christ and, 63
Sources of antiquarian and used books, 668
Sovereignty of God, 31
 sa Lorship of Jesus Christ
    Lordship theology
Spiritual aspects of health, 547
Spiritual discernment, 460
 sa Covenant theology
    Creeds, confessions, and catechisms
    Lordship of Jesus Christ
    Lordship theology
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Sufficiency of Christ
Spiritual Unification Church, Moonies, 691
Spiritual warfare, 230
 sa Christian fellowship
    Intercessory prayer
    Proposal to form a cell group
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Small groups
Spouse an unbeliever, 486
Stepfamilies, 544
 sa Adoptive parents
    Children of divorce
Sproul, R.C, works of, 377
Spurgeon, C.H., works of, 380
Stillborn and miscarriage, 487
Stress, 550
 sa Affliction
    Christianity and the workplace
    Emotions and health
    Physical health
    Reconciliation of relationships
    Spiritual aspects of health
    Worry and anxiety
Students, resources, 533
 sa Apologetics
    Book-length presentations of the Gospel message of salvation
    Christianity and the workplace
    Gospel message of salvation
    Sharing Christ with your children
Suffering, adversity, and chastening, 191
Sufficiency of Christ, 55
Suggested personal action, 712
Suicide, 225
 sa Biblical counsel by subject
    Counseling teens
    Crisis counseling
    Teens coping with the world
Swindoll, Charles R., works of, 385
Teaching children, 495
 sa Creeds, confessions, and catechisms
    Christian literature for boys and girls
Teaching, 517
Teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, 159
Teens and parents, 510
Teens and sex, 512
Teens coping with the world, 513
 sa Biblical counsel by subject
    Christianity and the workplace
    Counseling teens
    Crisis counseling
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Reconciliation of relationships
    Resources for students
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Sexually transmitted diseases (see Sex education)
    Teens coping with the world
Teens, 509
 sa Christianity and the workplace
    Pseudo-Christian movements
    Reconciliation of relationships
    Resources for students
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Sexually transmitted diseases (see Sex education)
Temptation, 226
Ten Commandments, 156
 sa Christian Reconstruction
    Courts and the law base
    Covenant theology
    Creeds, confessions, and catechisms
Ten Commandments (women), 408
Testimonies in sermons by D. James Kennedy, 134, 360
Testimonies, 133
 sa Apologetics
    Christian Biography
Textual criticism, 20
 sa Inspiration, revelation, and inerrancy
    Modern myths and fallacies
 sa Praise
The Lord Jesus Christ, 34
Theology, covenant, 109
Theology, related, 96
 sa Absolute truth and relativism
    Christian history
    Creeds, confessions, and catechisms
    Inspiration, revelation, and inerrancy
Theology of freedom, 571
 sa Christian roots of America
    Founding fathers
    Priesthood of believers
    Protestant Reformation
Tips on buying books, 669
Titus, 296
Topical Bible indexes, 431
Topical listings of Scripture useful in counseling, 116
 sa Bible reference works
    Manuals and handbooks
    Proverbs, topical listings
    Wisdom books
Tracts, Gospel, and witnessing tools, 132
 sa Biblical counseling tracts
Training in Biblical counseling, 119
 sa Biblical counseling centers
    Biblical counseling tracts
    Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
    Other resources
    Westminster Media
    Works of Jay Adams
Transforming society, 710
Transgression, 223
Translations, Bible, 22
Trinity, 27
Trouble, 205
Trusting God (renunciation), 443
Unforgiveness, 227
Unholy alliance, 687
Used books, antiquarian books, sources, 668
 sa Tips on buying books
Various authors, works of, 309
Video, 666
War, 206
Warfare, spiritual, 230
Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses, 689
Westminster Media, 246
 sa Audio cassette tapes on counseling subjects
    Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
    Training in Biblical counseling
    Works of Jay Adams
Wife abuse, 187
Will of God, knowing it, 475
Wisdom books, 162
Witnessing to cultists, 697
Witnessing tools, Gospel tracts, 132
Witnessing, hard-case, 135
Women and counseling, 408
Womanhood, 396
 sa Abortion and the sanctity of life
    Biography of Christian women
    Christian fellowship
    Christianity and the workplace
    Men and women
    Men, women, and God
    Secret societies and unholy alliance
    Single parenting
    Women and counseling
    Works by and for Women
Women and parenting, 403
Women and prayer, 395
Women and small groups, 420
Women and the New Age, 418, 694
Women in Christian history, 423
Women in the church, 407
Women in the workplace, 407
Women's health, 402
Women, Biblical counsel for, 408
Women, other works by, 421
Workplace, Christianity in the, 534
Workplace, women in, 407
Works by and about Puritans, 311
Works by and for women, 395
Works of Jay Adams, 239
Works of Gordon Clark, 339
Works by Elisabeth Elliot, 416
Works of John Gerstner, 344
Works of D. James Kennedy, 345
Works of John MacArthur, 370
Works of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, 365
Works of J.I. Packer, 373
Works of Gary North, 632
Works of R.C. Sproul, 377
Works of C.H. Spurgeon, 380
Works of Charles R. Swindoll, 385
Works of various authors, 309
Worry and anxiety, 227
 sa Emotions and health
    Trusting God
Worship, 70
 sa Christ Jesus the Lord
Zechariah, 281
Zephaniah, 281

   Source: Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal. A Topical
           Annotated Bibliography of Works Containing Biblical
           Counsel for Persons Seeking Lasting Solutions to
           Life's Problems (Harrisonburg, VA: Lettermen Associates,
           c1994). ISBN: 0-9636821-1-3

Related Weblinks

Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal, 1993, Index of Authors and Titles

Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal, 1993, Index of Subjects

*Combined Interactive Contents for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal

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